A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance)

Read Online A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance) by Summer Jordan - Free Book Online

Book: A Tangled Web (A Books We Love Erotic Romance) by Summer Jordan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Summer Jordan
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consignment shop, Erin had suggested lunch at a trendy little teashop she thought would cheer her disgruntled cousin, but Angel had picked at her salad and slipped her croissant onto Erin 's plate.
    Sitting at a white wrought iron table amidst a sea of pink and purple roses, Erin had probed her with questions about Dior, thinking that would bring a smile, and for a moment, it had.
    Coming out of her trancelike state, Angel had spoken softly. "He's Nordic and quite handsome and rugged," she'd said.
    "Nordics are blond, aren't they?" Erin had asked, sitting back in her pink-cushioned chair.
    "Not all of them." Angel had reacted as if she'd been slapped.
    George, the bartender at Club Rendezvous, leaned his elbows on the bar in front of Erin , bringing her back to reality and her surroundings abruptly. "You're quite the daydreamer."
    Had he been ogling her long? She squirmed in discomfort. "I was thinking."
    "Want another Chocolatini?" he asked, picking up her glass. Seeing it was half full, he set it down again. "I haven't seen you around here before."
    "Stay away from her. She's mine." Two strong hands gripped her shoulders, and Erin swivelled her head to find Derek standing there.
    As she gazed up into liquid brown eyes, heat washed over her, and she smiled. He was as handsome as she remembered and he smelled wonderful. She didn't recognise the men's cologne he was wearing but it was spicy and musky and it turned her on. If she could bury her face against his neck right now and inhale, she would. "Where did you come from?"
    "I was hiding in that booth back there. I'm not working tonight but I was hungry and there's no better place to eat." He nodded his head towards a dim corner. "Care to join me?"
    Without waiting for her answer, he picked up her glass and extended a hand to help her down off the high stool. "What? No Sex on the Beach?"
    "I'm trying something new," she said, laughing lightly.
    "If you'd care to try someone new…" The bartender, waggling his eyebrows, swiped a towel over the spot where Erin 's glass had been. "I'm available."
    "Cut the crap, George. Why would she want you when she can have me?" Derek asked, chuckling as he led Erin away.
    Her skin tingled beneath his hand on her arm. Her heart thrilled to the feeling of his possessiveness. Did he really mean it…that she could have him? He might not have to ask twice.
    He set her glass on the table next to his, and she noted that she'd guessed right about him. He was drinking scotch.
    He waited until she'd slid into the booth and then moved in close. His thigh touched hers and she fought the urge to press her leg tightly against his. "Coming to a bar alone at night is a new experience for me," she said, concentrating her gaze on the chocolate concoction. "I'm glad you're here so I don't have to sit by myself."
    "Only women who are trying to pick up a man sit at the bar alone. Is that why you were seated there? Or…" He squeezed her knee. "Did you think I would be tending bar?"
    Either way, she was going to look bad, but facing the consequences boldly seemed the way to go. So, cocking her head, she tilted her chin to meet his gaze. "You haven't used my business card to call me yet, so I thought I'd come by and ask why."
    "Aha," he said, grinning. "You did come to see me, and it was my night off. I'm glad I came here for dinner so you weren't disappointed. The prime rib is excellent, by the way. Are you hungry?"
    "I hadn't thought about hunger." She realised after she spoke that wasn't true, but food wasn't what she hungered for. She craved male companionship—his, specifically. "I was lonely and bored."
    "Then you've come to the right place. I can be quite entertaining." He chuckled. "I hope. At least, I can keep you company over dinner. How about it?" Derek squeezed her knee again, gently. "Say yes. I don't want to eat alone."
    "Yes," she said softly, her eyes craving the taste of those full lips of his. The brush of his moustache on her sensitive

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