Remember the Dreams

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Book: Remember the Dreams by Christine Flynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine Flynn
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of hot kisses down the arched column of her throat. She tasted so good; So good.
    "Perfect," he rasped, his palm folding over the gentle fullness. "So firm, and so perfect." Her rigid bud burned against his hand, the point growing harder as he pressed the thin fabric of her caftan against it in a slow, erotic circle.
    A tiny gasp lodged where his lips pressed at the cleft between her breasts. Something warm and liquid had coiled in her stomach—a feeling so intense that Toni couldn't even identify it. Unprepared for the torrent of sensation Kyle was eliciting, she tried to fight the sensual web tangling about her. It was a half-hearted struggle, and she lost. Though he had just been given the total extent of her knowledge, she knew that he wanted more—that she wanted to give more. But he would have to tell her how.
    His lips had found her mouth again, his drugging kiss silencing the words screaming in her mind. Please, Kyle. Show me how to love you. Cool air brushed over her heated skin as he slid the fabric from her shoulder. His tongue ceased its plunging, allowing her mute pleas to be heard.
    "Kyle," she breathed, shivering as he trailed moist kisses along her collarbone, "I don't. . ." The words she needed to say simply couldn't come out. I don't know what to do. Tell me how to please you.
    The tension she could feel rippling through the muscles of his thighs where they pressed against hers and in the well-defined contours of his back where her hands now caressed him suddenly grew more pronounced. It wasn't the tension of sexual excitement, but the tautness of anxiety. Kyle had grown still.
    Toni froze, her own body turning to stone in the circle of his arms.
    She felt his heavy breath at her temple and the whisper of silk covering her shoulder. Slowly, holding her breath, she withdrew her arms.
    Kyle's words were barely audible, but they seemed to echo off the walls of the dimly lit hall. "I must be insane."
    His arms fell away, and Toni took a faltering step back.
    Without the support of his body, it was all she could do to keep from sagging against the wall behind her. She felt weak and confused. Terribly confused.
    Kyle cupped his hand over the back of his neck, rotating his head as if to ease his tension, and let out a long, low breath. It was several tense seconds before he looked back over at Toni. And even then, all he said was, "Sorry."
    Never had she heard so much disappointment conveyed in one word. But who was he disappointed with? Himself? Her?
    "Don't be," she returned, determined to defuse the whole inexplicable situation. The best thing to do, she decided, amazed that her mind was functioning at all, was to pretend as though it hadn't mattered. It had been nothing more than a simple, experimental kiss between friends.
    Simple? The words rumbled dumbly in her mind. Hardly! But she wasn't going to argue semantics with herself at the moment. "You're going to have an awful headache in the morning." She tried her best to sound teasing. "And you're right about being insane. Alcohol can make some people a little crazy."
    That explanation might work for him. But what about her? She didn't have any convenient excuses to fall back on.
    Kyle's dark eyebrows lowered sharply. "What are you talking about?"
    Drawing in a decidedly unsteady breath, she crossed her arms over her still-taut breasts. Never had she felt so ... so tense. "It's obvious that you had a little too much to drink," she chided gently, trying to keep all of her insecurities at bay. Rejection never did much for a person's confidence. "You know you wouldn't have kissed me if you'd been sober."
    She'd give anything if he'd just smile. Even a little. She tried to encourage him with one of her own.
    It didn't work. The way he was looking at her made her wonder if she'd just grown antlers or something. He didn't look confused now. Incredulous seemed more like it.
    "You mean you think I'm drunk?"
    "I didn't say you were drunk . . . exactly." To Toni, the

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