
Read Online Redemption by Kaye Draper - Free Book Online

Book: Redemption by Kaye Draper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaye Draper
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reply, a hallow sound like the winter wind through
leafless trees.  “Oh,” it rasped, “I just thought perhaps you would think it
unwise, given how much you’ve seen of his weaknesses and failings.  He can’t be
much help on your quest, after all.”
    Rebecca crossed
her arms and refused to show even a hint of doubt, though she had experienced similar
thoughts herself.  “We all have weaknesses and failings,” she said firmly. 
“It’s what makes us human… but then, I suppose that’s something you wouldn’t
know anything about.  Being human, I mean.”
    The robed figure
cocked its head this way and that, its movements making it look like it really
was a huge raven turned man.  “Are you sympathizing with that pathetic
excuse for a man, now that you’ve seen his inner child?”
    Rebecca glared
and refused to answer.  “Is there a point to this visit?”
    The robed one
was silent for a moment.  When he spoke, it was like a parent lecturing an
errant child.  “Your strength is the reason the two of you have come so far. 
I’m not blind to the fact that you are the one pulling all the weight.” 
    Rebecca shook her
head, her hair whipping about in the light breeze.  “You’re wrong.  You say
he’s a worthless companion, but back there in the glade, I was the one who was
weak and useless.  He pulled me through when I would have given up.”
    The masked
figure paced in front of her.  His sudden change from cold stillness to
determined activity alarmed her.  What could make death so excited?
    “The ubis?   Pfft !
 Child’s play.  You were only weak against them because of your innocence.  You
can hardly see his manwhore past as a strength?”  He waved it away with a long,
pale hand.  “I think you’ll find bigger challenges ahead,” he rasped.  “And
when you face the things that have destroyed you- what will your new friend do
then?  Do you honestly think that inconstant, shallow, waste of space will have
it in him to save you?”
swallowed hard and refused to let her doubt show.  But she couldn’t entirely
deny her fear.  “He won’t have to,” she said, raising her chin.  “I’ll save us
    The sound of his
laughter was like nails on a chalkboard.  Chills walked down her spine, and she
felt like she would come unhinged.  “We’ll see,” he rasped happily.  “We’ll
see.”  Then he was gone in a swirl of dead leaves and icy wind.
was aloof after their last little challenge, but there was nothing Rebecca
could do about it, since bringing up the incident at the stream would seem like
prying.  She paused to tie her shoe and roll up the long cuffs of her
jeans, slapping at them to knock off some of the accumulated dust and
debris.  She snuck a glance at Isaac's broad back until he slowed his pace
and turned to see what was holding her up.  Caught in the act of staring,
she hastily went to join him.  Watching him in all his moods was becoming
a guilty pleasure.
was surprised when he spoke.  "I'm the oldest of five," he said
suddenly. Rebecca glanced at him as they made their way up
a slight hill.  "Oh...really?  I'm an only child." 
She didn't know what else to say.  She wanted to ask him about his
siblings, but wasn't sure if she was allowed.
the topic wasn’t off limits.  He glanced at her, and the look in his
crystal blue eyes was unreadable.  "I have three sisters and one
little brother."  He stepped over a fallen tree in the path and waited
while she scrambled over to join him. 
mom left when my youngest brother was born.  Just ditched."  He
put his hands in his pockets and continued as they walked.  "Dad was
always a surly bastard, but he got worse once she was gone.  But it was
his own fault.  I guess that's what you get when you marry a kid." 
looked away, then back at Rebecca again.  "She was only sixteen when
she had me, see.  So I can't really blame her too much for

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