
Read Online Reconfigure by Epredator, Ian Hughes - Free Book Online

Book: Reconfigure by Epredator, Ian Hughes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Epredator, Ian Hughes
Tags: Sci Fi & Fantasy
    Join Cap Coin - specify orientation ,offset, level
    Roisin added some numbers to the command.
    “Join Cap Coin <0,0,0> <0,0,0>”
    RC replied
    Joining Cap Coin <0,0,0> <0,0,0> <2709>
    The coin was now perfectly cemented in the plastic of the cap. Right across the main body. There were no scorch marks or melted areas, that might indicate a struggle to merge the two items. It was a 10p and Cap perfectly engaged together.
    She typed to reverse the process.
    RC came back with.
    Split - No parameters specify object, start, end, direction, level
    Oh dear! Roisin realised this was now going to be a bit like mixing PlayDoh. It is easy to roll two colours together, she had done enough messy play at school to know that. If you wanted just the red PlayDoh back out of the marbled mess you were pretty much out of luck. There could be a mathematical solution to the problem. Who would ever apply that sort of compute power to some weird branch of fluid dynamics, with a semi solid mush? So, no coin out of the cap by a simple split then!
    It was still worth her typing.
    “Split Cap”
    RC replied.
    Cap not found
    Ah! She guessed that would have happened but had to check. She ran a file listing command, to recheck what was in the Zone, looking for any sort of cap named objects.
    “ls Cap*”
    The reply answered the question.
    The Join had created a new instance of an object, it was still a cap of sorts, but like a good file system it had made a new name for it. She went for it with some almost random numbers.
    “Split Cap1 <0,-0.3,0> <0,0.3,0> <0,1,0>”
    RC confirmed the operation
    Splitting Cap1 <0,-0.3,0> <0,0.3,0> <0,1,0> <2709>
    She looked at the 10p fused cap and saw a precise thin crack running from top to bottom. She performed her delicate pincer grab again. As she lifted the ‘capncoin’ it broke into two. The pieces would have been a perfect mirror image of one another if it were not for the Queen’s head on the coin. It was like a perfect slice of cake on the Great British Bake Off. Mary Berry would have been proud of the layers. “Lovely laaairs.” Roisin said out loud in a countrified accent. She now had two 5p caps, sort of.
    The human brain latches on to patterns to make sense of the World. It needs something that it can understand. If it can’t then it either ignores it and tells its owner something different (as in magic) or it obsesses until a solution is reached. Roisin tended to the latter. What was this level number? The 2709 seemed consistent across all the ‘Examines’ and seemed to be a default on Join and Split. What about fractal level? Roisin loved fractals. They made sense and are all around us. Whatever level you look at things, there is a pattern that is both complex and simple at the same time. This was very pleasing to Roisin. She still had a part of a zoomed in Mandelbrot set on her phone wallpaper. It displayed the beauty of numeric iterations over a formula, creating a stunning terrain map. The black parts showing the formula in that area resolved to zero, the other parts coloured to indicate how many iterations were required to reach an answer. In an infinite bounded space the maths can zoom in on a section and perform the iterations again at a different level of precision. It displayed boundaries and coastlines of great complexity, in a repeating pattern on the edge of the zero space. You change the bounding box of the coordinates… The Zone! Things were starting to match her understanding of the World. You dive deeper into the Zone by setting the level of iteration. RC worked like a Mandelbrot set might, she suggested to herself.
    Yes. Yes. Yes! This must be part of what is going on here. A Zone of interest and I am at a certain level of abstraction, 2709. I see the patterns and the objects, I see their simplicity and

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