Mercy's Destiny: Montgomery's Vampires Trilogy (Book #3) (Montgomery's Vampires Series)

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Book: Mercy's Destiny: Montgomery's Vampires Trilogy (Book #3) (Montgomery's Vampires Series) by Sloan Archer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sloan Archer
for, you know.” He held up his cell and gave it a shake.
    “No problem. Thanks for the coffee.”
    I burst into tears as I turned out of the parking lot. I physically ached for Robert, I missed him so much . I pulled off the highway and parked at the very back of a strip mall, beyond caring how nutty I looked as I sat alone in a Flying Bentley whatever, bawling my eyes out and pounding the steering wheel like a lunatic.
    I had no clue how long I sat parked there, but by the time I was finished, so was my coffee. I felt better—sometimes you really do need a good cry. And caffeine.
    I saw a branch of my bank at the corner of the mall, which was convenient. I wanted to check my balance. (Like my usual coffee shop, my go-to ATM was located at the Fountain of Decapitation Plaza.)
    Although I didn’t want to stress myself, I did have to start thinking about finances soon. I nearly started bawling again as I considered the prospect of apartment hunting. Maybe Liz and I could move back in together, since her man had dumped her, too. We could run a lonely heart’s club right out of the apartment, even, and invite other scorned women over. We could sit in a circle, burn sage and our ex’s photos, drink wine and eat raw cookie dough and whatnot.
    I still hadn’t found a job, either, which I realized would make filling out apartment rental applications tough. I vowed to search the classifieds for jobs in the psychology field when I got home (after a nap, that was), so that I could finally put the degree I’d worked so hard to earn to good use. Maybe I’d go back to decoying for Dignitary, meet another delightful vampire.
    Then again, maybe not.
    I grimaced. When had I become the sort of woman who felt incomplete without a man? Pathetic! I needed to be alone for a while, take a few months off from dating and running from vampires who tried their damnedest to kill me. I could do absolutely nothing about my bargain with the VGO—on that one I was stuck for the time being—but I could control the vamps I chose to see in my personal life. Maybe David was right about vampires being more trouble than they’re worth.
    I pulled the jumbo sunglasses from off my crown and slid them onto my face. I looked insane because it was about to rain—Bay Area weather was stealthier than a bitch-faced French vampire pining after your man—but my eyes were puffy from crying.
    Reluctantly, I got out and journeyed towards the ATM. I didn’t want to be that person by starting up my car and driving across the parking lot only so I wouldn’t have to walk an extra fifty feet.
    I’d made it all of ten steps when some creep on a ten-speed jangled his bike bell and simpered, “ Hey, sexy lady , you smell delicious .” It was exactly what I needed in a not-at-all kind of way. I rolled my eyes at him, not that he could see this through my dark sunglasses, and skulked on. He muttered a couple words under his breath— snotty bitch— and then peddled away. I shook my head and muttered a few choice words of my own. Why were men such cretins? And when has doing that ever worked for any guy? And what had he expected me to say to that? Why thanks for sniffing me! So glad you’re enjoying my post-vomitus morning funk. I actually drove into this parking lot just so you could marvel at my sexiness. Love the bike bell!
    There was no line at the ATM, which was great. The coffee I’d inhaled was making me need to pee in an urgent way. Bet guy on the bike wouldn’t think I smelled so delicious if I wet my pants.
    And I did nearly wet my pants when I got a look at my bank statement. “That . . . That can’t be,” I gasped, stumbling back from the screen. I signed out of my account and trotted into the bank, on the verge of passing out.
    I must have looked like a complete wreck, with my puffy eyes and partially brushed hair, since the teller was not amused when I explained my situation. I didn’t like repeating myself, but I was not getting

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