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Book: Reconfigure by Epredator, Ian Hughes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Epredator, Ian Hughes
Tags: Sci Fi & Fantasy
complexity. Roisin was cooking. We can’t see individual atoms with the naked eye, but we can zoom in with an electron microscope to see incredible detail. It is the same incredible detail and complexity we see looking at a mountain range with all its crevices and trees.
    “I mean that detail Slarty Bartfast put on those Fjords, all those squiggly bits.” She mused, quoting a famous character. She was drifting again, but she let herself go with it. Her subconscious was searching multiple levels looking for an answer. It didn’t take long for the machine to go ping either.
    She retyped.
    “Load slot2”
    RC produced a DM back.
    Loading slot2
    The cap and the 10p piece sat next door to one another as if their weird inter species mating had never occurred. Normality, but not for long as she had a hunch. She typed her most daring request yet to RC.
    “Join Cap Coin <0,0,0> <0,0,0><2710>”
    One level difference, she was not sure if that was the right direction. This fractal level directive was going to be a lot more complex than figuring out which direction y operated in on the Translate. Her earlier incorrect guess on direction that caused ‘MugShards’.
    RC replied with what seemed an appropriate confirmation to Roisin.
    Joining Cap Coin <0,0,0> <0,0,0> <2710>
    A few medieval alchemists would have just turned in their graves, Roisin thought. The orange plastic cap was now a slightly dull silver colour. As Roisin’s thumb and forefinger grabbed it she felt the cold shiny surface, and as she lifted it up it felt a lot more solid than before. It was not totally ‘coiny’ though. It had a bit of a rubbery give to it, a sort of plastic metal. It felt like a shiny version of Sugru putty after it had set. She interrogated RC typing.
    “Examine Cap1”
    She guessed the designation, after the reload things should have been back to normal. Using Join, the file system would have renamed the object as before.
    She got what she expected, and a bit extra.
    Designation - Cap1
    Static Chemical Compound Object
    Cu 60%
    Polyethylene terephthalate 20%
    Ni 20%

    Fractal Location - <3800.29,74.3,23.1>
    Fractal Orientation- <0,0,0>
    Fractal Iteration Level - <2709>
    The object had smashed together as different materials. It was not some chemical formula as the cap had been before. Instead it was a mixture. It was red, blue and now yellow PlayDoh? A multitude of possibilities blasted out in front of Roisin’s imagination. She had no idea the exact path she was taking, but there were a lot of paths and they were all gut wrenchingly exciting. She figured her burbling stomach was a geek vertigo. She had only scratched the surface, and created a few new ones too!
    She needed to set things back to initial start conditions. If this was fractal then messing with those start conditions would be causing all sorts of weirdness on any further tests. She typed her reload.
    “Load slot2”
    RC confirmed it was happy with that request.
    Loading slot2
    “Coin, Cap, Cap, Coin just like that, eh hum!” She said in her best fake magicians voice.
    Roisin took a moment to reflect on the breaking of the mug. It had been a Split command? The mug and its shards had mathematically broken along lines in keeping with expectations. Big pieces and small pieces were created. The pattern of dispersal had looked complex and simple at the same time, close up or far away. It was not an infinite fractal but it had fractal properties. She scrolled back through the now very long set of interactions with RC. She re-read the warning message. It said.
    Applying Translate Mug 0,-0.15,0 Physics engine multiple split initiated
    So, yes! A ‘physics engine multiple split.’ It meant there were meta routines, or maybe just the forces of nature, that applied the same sort of commands she could. They may not be DM’ing them to RC but the outcomes were

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