Hurt Me So Good

Read Online Hurt Me So Good by Joely Sue Burkhart - Free Book Online

Book: Hurt Me So Good by Joely Sue Burkhart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joely Sue Burkhart
kiss. He didn’t trust himself not to chain her to his bed, the world—his cable channel’s season and her show—be damned. He joked to keep the mood light, “Watch out Dallas, Léon has a hot date.”
    “I wish.” His assistant laughed, his voice fading as he returned down the hallway. “Feel free to send a hot young man my way!”
    She clutched Victor’s neck, shaking against him. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I know you meant to be careful, but it wasn’t enough.”
    “You’re not going to make this easy on me, are you?”
    She shook her head and burrowed lower, sliding her nose deeper into his chest. “I can’t.”
    He laughed ruefully and sat up, drawing her with him. “I wouldn’t want you nearly as badly if you did. You’re quite the challenge, Shiloh.”
    Sitting back on her heels, she regarded him intently. “Is that a good or bad thing?”
    He smiled again to let her know how very much he appreciated the challenge. “It’s a terrible thing for my sanity. It’s going to give me very little sleep, lots of cold showers and long, exhausting workouts. Otherwise, it’s an excellent thing. I wouldn’t have you any other way.”
    She dipped her head and peeked up through her lashes in a very submissive posture that still managed to convey audacity. Evidently she’d seen through his thin attempt to politely screen his erection because she eyed the towel with interest. “I could help you with some of that.”
    Groaning, he averted his gaze from her tempting mouth. “Gather up the supplies outside the door so I can get you out of here intact.”
    Immediately she stood, went to the door and returned with a stack of ice packs and elastic bandages. “And then what?”
    “You’re going to ice my knee and allow Léon to escort you to your car or whatever transportation you use to go home.” She opened her mouth to object so he gave her the Master’s look that silenced her. “If he could stay awhile, I’d let him act as your chaperone so we could eat together, if you were free.”
    Her tongue flickered up to touch her upper lip that still bore red indentations from his teeth. “For you, I’m free.”

Chapter Six
    V’s Gift Blog:
    Call me crazy, but I think I finally have an answer to my dilemma.
    After months of my boss treating me exactly like every other employee, I’ve decided that I need a way to approach Him and express my interest—without Him calling security or having me committed to the insane asylum.
    Finally, it came to me. Without giving away too many details—after all, this is an anonymous blog—His company deals with television shows. So…what better way to approach Him than through television?
    Think about it. Reality shows are all the rage. Why not have a BDSM reality show? Surely in this big wide sexy world there are other similar shows so I could still hide behind my anonymity. It would be the perfect way for me to say, “Are you interested in playing with me?” Of course, I’m hoping He’ll say something like, “That depends, baby, on how hard you like to be whipped.”
    I don’t know if He uses a whip or a crop, chains or latex or other dungeon shit. I don’t care. I’ll try anything He’s into. This show would give me the perfect opportunity to not only advance my career but approach Him in a safe and non-threatening way.
    There’s just one problem: I’ll have to devise a show that He’ll actually want to participate in. No, that He feels compelled to win, and I intend to be His prize. After all, I’m V’s Gift.

    On their brand-new set for America’s Next Top sub , Shiloh had never felt sexier. The outfit wasn’t exactly historically accurate, but from the darkness burning in Victor’s eyes, she’d accomplished her purpose. She wore a short muslin shift barely more than a tank top with a white corset over the top, lifting her breasts and pushing out her booty. To make the scene as sexy as possible, she wore white lacy high-cut panties that

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