Hurt Me So Good

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Book: Hurt Me So Good by Joely Sue Burkhart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joely Sue Burkhart
the lights to brighten.”
    He gripped the crop in both hands at either end and stood, letting the camera focus solely on the Master’s weapon. He wanted the viewers to lean toward the screen, breathless with anticipation about what he intended to do with it. Light flooded the floor, and someone off to the left gasped, even though they’d all known Shiloh was there.
    He raised both arms overhead and turned his body slightly, giving his profile to the camera. Poised, he waited what seemed like an eternity, and then he jerked his left hand down toward his thigh. The crop whistled through the air. Leather smacked against his thigh in a satisfying crack. The stinging cut of the crop heightened his senses, focusing his mind and body on one thing only.
    Shiloh’s hand crept out to touch his boot, begging for the next blow.
    He waited until she wrapped her hand around his ankle, and then he reached down, seized a handful of her hair at her nape, and hauled her up to her knees. Bending down, he glared into her eyes. “Why are you here?”
    He chose to say those words because that’s how he always opened a serious scene, and while this scene might be taped for a show, it was real, serious, heavy shit, to him at least. He wanted to make sure she had committed to it as much as he did. Unscripted, her responses would reveal her true intentions. What did she expect to get out of a scene with him?
    “To submit to you, Master.”
    He straightened slightly, widening his stance, his left arm held out and back to the side, keeping the crop visible for the shot. “What may I do to you?”
    “Anything you want, Master.”
    Ah, yes, she couldn’t have given him a more perfect response.
    He drew her closer, deliberately lifting her face toward his crotch. She made it look pretty instead of vulgar, her back arched, her gorgeous ass lifted to tempt him. Even if they were alone, he wouldn’t have let her touch him. He merely wanted to torment her with what she couldn’t have. Not until she’d satisfied his other urges.
    Her lips were soft, open, her face hauntingly beautiful with the stark lights blaring down on her and feathers curled about her cheeks. She resisted his grip, pulling her own hair in order to lean closer, trying to get her mouth on him.
    The lights dimmed, breaking the moment.
    “Hold on just a minute,” Mal said to him, then louder, “Bring up the backlights. This next part we want only their silhouette. Okay, good. When you’re ready, V.”
    “Ready for what?” Someone asked in a loud whisper.
    He whipped the crop over his head and brought it crashing down on Shiloh’s buttocks.
    She let out a low, throaty moan that tore at his control. He knew the blistering fire that had exploded on her skin, the deep throbbing pain despite his care to control his arm. He never started as heavy as he would end. Even as a sadist, he took care to begin with a sensual blow and not a cutting one backed by his full strength.
    However, after denying his darker urges for so long, he was close to coming from that blissful sound of her cry alone. To reward her, he let her rub her face high on his thigh.
    Shocked silence hung over the set for several long seconds, and then his crew erupted into cheers.
    “Bring the lights up,” Mal said. “Let’s see the whole thing from the beginning and see if we need to re-shoot.”
    Victor clenched his fist on the crop, grinding his teeth with fury. He did not want to stop. He did not want to sit down and watch the tape. He wanted—
    Shiloh stared up at him, her eyes wide, glistening with tears, pleading. “Please.”
    Don’t stop.

    People talked and moved about the room, babbling words she couldn’t seem to understand. The lights hurt her eyes. Her ass stung, the sweet burn of his single blow a mere taste to whet her appetite for more.
    But I’m not getting more any time soon.
    The thought made her eyes fill up with tears.
    Victor loosened his grip on her hair and straightened,

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