The Chase

Read Online The Chase by Janet Evanovich, Lee Goldberg - Free Book Online

Book: The Chase by Janet Evanovich, Lee Goldberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Evanovich, Lee Goldberg
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Thrillers, Mystery & Detective, Retail
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    “I think you’re right, and that’s why I’m willing to consider letting cameras into my home for the first time. But I have some conditions.”
    “Name them.”
    “I want full editorial control over the episode and final cut. Not just the editing, but the narration and music as well. Nothing goes on the air that I haven’t approved first. I also want all the unused footage destroyed.”
    “You’ve got a deal.”
    “Really? I was expecting an argument and an impassioned speech about journalistic integrity, objectivity, and all of that crap.”
    Boyd gave a hearty laugh. “We aren’t
60 Minutes
, Mr. Grove. We’re an aspirational network offering viewers a vision of a better life through home ownership and improvement. Or, to put it another way, we broadcast property porn designed to sell paint, hardware, appliances, and furniture. Our goal here is to make your house look even more spectacular than it already is.”
    “I’m not sure that’s possible,” Carter said. “But I’m willing to let your team give it a shot.”
    “I’m thrilled to hear that.”
    “My people will need to run background checks on every crew member before they set foot in my house.”
    “Take their DNA if you want. Give them colonoscopies, too. Do whatever it takes to make you feel comfortable so that we can show off your fabulous taste and magnificent home to millions of people around the world.”
    “I think we’re going to get along just fine,” Carter said.
    Nick went off to hire a local film crew and Kate returned to her room at the four-star Regal Shores Hotel, a plantation-style beachfront resort. She changed into a bikini and found a chaise by the pool that gave her a nice view of the pristine beach and the two fourth-floor rooms she and Nick had rented in the main tower.
    Kate was paging through the latest issue of
, but her eyes were on the fourth-floor rooms. A shadow passed behind Nick’s window. Too late for maid service, too early for turndown service. Kate was guessing the room was being searched.
    A muscled man in his thirties, wearing striped board shorts and reading an iPad, was lying on a chaise across the pool from her. Above his navel was a telltale star-shaped scar from a bullet wound. He was paying close attention to his iPad, but Katedidn’t think he was reading, because his lips weren’t moving. She suspected he was watching her on the iPad’s camera.
    A drop-dead-gorgeous woman with a Victoria’s Secret body strolled out in a barely-there bikini with a top like pasties on strings. Bullet Belly flicked a glance at her and immediately returned to his iPad. Not normal, Kate thought. Even if he was gay, he’d check her out. BlackRhino operative, she decided. She was pleased they had Carter Grove’s attention. It meant he hadn’t dismissed their offer yet.
    She spent the next hour reading her magazine. She swam a few laps, then Nick strolled out of the lobby and came down to the pool just as Kate pulled herself out of the water.
    “That was quick,” Kate said. “You hired an entire film crew already?”
    “One-stop shopping. I hired a local production company that shoots cheap commercials for car dealerships, restaurants, that kind of thing. They jumped at the chance to work on a network TV show. They’re on standby until we hear from Carter.”
    Kate grabbed her towel. “We already have.”
    “I take it you’re referring to G.I. Joe across the way and the bikini model.”
    “Our rooms have probably been searched and bugged,” Kate said. “I hope you don’t talk in your sleep.”
    Nick’s cell phone rang. He reached into his shirt pocket, pulled out the phone, and answered it. “Jim Rockford.” He listened for a moment, then smiled. “Excellent. Have a pleasant flight. We’ll see you tomorrow.” He ended the call.
    “Boyd?” she asked.
    Nick nodded. “We’re on. Carter Grove will see us at nine A.M. tomorrow.”
    • • •
    Kate awoke shortly after sunrise,

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