Ready to Were

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Book: Ready to Were by Robyn Peterman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robyn Peterman
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hardened with delight. Hank’s grin almost sent me into meltdown. The kind where I killed him, but first I would stick my tongue down his throat and ride him till he was blind.
    Shoving him off and grabbing a napkin, I covered my tatas and raced to the bathroom. I had a sundress in my bag. Being an agent had taught me to always carry something extra to wear. No one liked sitting around in blood-spattered or bullet-riddled clothes.
    The bathroom of Casey’s honky-tonk was an anomaly. The restaurant was tiny but the ladies room was huge — six Pepto Bismol colored stalls and a diaper changing station. I went to the farthest stall and locked myself in. Peeling off the slutty outfit, I realized I was still wired. Not knowing if I would need it again today I left it taped to my body and pulled my sexy but comfy sundress over my head.
    I leaned against the cool wall and tried to decipher my feelings. Why was I so angry with Hank if he didn’t mean anything to me? Maybe because I was still madly in love with him… No. I was stronger than that. I had more pride. He had cheated on me with the three Tinas and I had seen the results with my own eyes. I deserved someone who wanted only me. Was I nuts?
    The magnitude of what I still felt for him was confusing. Maybe I should have talked to him—did he get cold feet and make a mistake? Mistake was mild for what he did. However, the girl I was a year ago only knew how to run. The woman I’d become might not have, but it was fruitless to be consumed with what ifs.
    “I can’t believe she came back,” a voice hissed. “I was sure she’d never set foot in Hung again.”
    “I saw her today,” Tina #1 said. “She was hitting on Puck.”
    “Clearly we didn’t do a good enough job,” Tina #2 snapped angrily.
    Son of a…why couldn’t I catch a break? The Tinas had entered the bathroom and they were talking about me. Should I step out and beat the hell out of them? No. That would be childish and possibly messy. I liked my sundress and, quite honestly, Hank deserved my anger more than they did. After a short internal debate with my inner wolf, who wanted to kill them , I decided to stand on the toilet so my feet weren’t spotted and listen to what the vipers said…They might have some information on the missing girls. Tina #1 was working at the modeling agency.
    “Oh, please,” Tina #2 griped. “You’re all just pissed because none of us could bag Hank.”
    Wait. What ?
    “He’s a fool. I literally showed up at his house naked the day after she took off and he kicked me out. No one kicks me out when I’m naked,” Tina #1 ground out with fury.
    The other Tinas laughed and Tina #1 growled. I was missing a piece of info and my stomach dropped, making me feel ill.
    “I vote we give each other hickeys all over our bodies again, show her and tell her he did it. She bought it last time. She’s so stupid she’ll buy it again.”
    “Do you remember how she sobbed when we showed her what her boyfriend did to us? It was so much fun. I haven’t been able to make anyone cry like that in a year,” Tina #3 gushed.
    “I actually kind of enjoyed giving you all hickeys,” Tina #3 said.
    “Are you gay?” Tina #2 demanded.
    “No, we were drunk so it didn’t count,” Tina #3 shot back.
    “Look, if she hits on Puck again, I’ll give both of you hickeys on your faces to get rid of her. I don’t see why men are so attracted to her,” Tina #1 spat.
    “Because she’s beautiful,” Tina #3 groused. “Let her have Hank. I never really wanted him anyway.”
    “Liar,” Tina #2 purred. “Everyone red-blooded female Were wants that man. He’s the alpha and he’s sex on a stick. You’re still completely hung up on him.”
    “Speak for yourself. We have to go back to the agency and get back to work. Those fiery boys are major taskmasters.” Tina #1 giggled.
    My body felt hot and cold at the same time. I wanted to scream and cry and crawl out of my skin. The need to shift and

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