
Read Online Ravenous by MarcyKate Connolly - Free Book Online

Book: Ravenous by MarcyKate Connolly Read Free Book Online
Authors: MarcyKate Connolly
then paces in front of the flames.More trees catch fire every second. I tug the blanket down, covering her eyes and face. “Run, and don’t peek or you’ll never do it.”
    She bolts forward and barrels through the flaming branches that stretch across the path. Dalen gives me a grateful look, then catches the blanket as it flies back through the fire. I douse it again to be safe. Then he places it over his mother’s head, and she leaps through as well.
    One more dousing and then it’s the two of us. “We can go together.” Terror swims in his silver eyes. Impulsively, I grab his hand and drag him with me. When I get to the flames I jump, curling myself into a ball within the cloak as much as possible, then tumble onto the mossy, unscorched forest floor beyond.
    Dalen helps me to my feet, and only then do I realize we’re surrounded by the furious faces of what remains of the council of elders.


    THE COUNCIL MEMBERS DID NOT FARE AS WELL AS WE DID. BURNS AND ash cover their skin. They are not at all pleased to see me.
    â€œYou will leave usss,” the snake-man says. “Immediately. You must swear upon your life you will not reveal the existence of our village to anyone.” He glances at the flames still burning behind us. “It will take us time to rebuild what has been dessstroyed today. We have lost many because of you and your connection to the witch, and now she has charged usss with ensuring your successs. What is this task you agreed to do?”
    I swallow hard. I had hoped to avoid telling them about the cornucopia. But now is not the time for deceit. “Fetch a cornucopia. King Ensel was the last known owner. That’s why I’m headed to Belladoma.”
    â€œThen you must be ssswift so she will not bother us again. More than your brother depends on it now.”
    â€œI’ve been telling you for days I needed to leave. Don’t blame me for this. I warned you.” I fold my arms and glower at the council. Cowed and in dwindled numbers, they don’t seem as scary as they did before.
    The snake-man pulls himself up in front of me and Dalen.
    â€œWe have never had cause to trust a human before. For all we know, you and the witch are in this together, and your real plan is to destroy our speciesss. We will have a hard enough time staying hidden while we rebuild our village as it is. We must be certain you do not betray usss a second time. Dalen will accompany you to ensure you keep your promissse and get the witch what she wantsss. And he won’t come back until the task is complete.”
    â€œYou’re sending me away from the village? But I can help here.” From the expression on his face, Dalen did not expect this turn of events. He looks like he’s been slapped.
    â€œNo, pick someone else,” Dalen’s mother says. Damara slips her hand into Dalen’s and squeezes, but his face has returned to its usual stoic expression.
    â€œThanks to this human, there’s nothing left to send you away from. Sssomeone must go with her or the whole village will be in peril again. Besides, you already have a pack of suppliesss. You are the most logical choice.”
    â€œBut I only brought them because I thought the council would see reason and send her on her way. I thought the swifter she left, the better and safer for us.” So that’s whyhe had a larger pack when he came back for me. Now he’ll need to use it himself.
    The snake-man glances at the centaur elder and faun behind him. “I hear you’ve bonded with this human and that you are quickly becoming one of our best scouts. We need to ssssend someone who knows how to stay hidden and keep us a secret as long as possible. Your family owes the village a debt. If you want to keep what remains of that family sssafe, you will do this.” Dalen shivers, but I don’t let on that I’ve seen it. I can’t help wondering what the snake-man

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