Secrets and Seduction Las Vegas (Sexy Italian Imports Book 1)

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Book: Secrets and Seduction Las Vegas (Sexy Italian Imports Book 1) by Laura Breck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Breck
think of?”
    Her mouth curved into a little smile. “A few things, but you hit the major points.”
    “Yeah, you seem like the type to keep score.”
    Her brow furrowed. “Hey, you’re the one who called me three days ago, and then, when I didn’t call back, you barge into my office with some bogus plot to solve the crime.”
    “It’s not bogus. I’m committed to figuring this out, Valerie. No matter how many hours we have to spend together.” His voice rumbled over the phone, as though he were murmuring in her ear. “Long nights with each other, working closely, sharing ideas, coming to conclusions.”
    Her eyes drifted closed. “Mm hm.” That voice alone could give her a spontaneous climax.
    “We’ll collapse, exhausted, into your bed, but something will keep us awake. Something between us that we can’t deny.”
    A vision of him pressing her down onto the mattress, his hand sliding up under her shirt. God, she wanted— “No.” Her eyes popped open. She couldn’t be with him while she was dating Troy. That was an absolute.
    “No?” He chuckled. “You want to fall into my bed instead?”
    “No, I mean I’m seeing someone. If we meet, it has to be completely business. Agreed?”
    He paused for a moment. “Agreed.”
    “And you have to promise to stop provoking me.”
    “I don’t know. It’s become second nature to me.”
    “Do you want me to hang up?” She smiled and ran her fingertip around the edge of the glass.
    “I promise to behave.”
    “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
    “If that’s an invitation, I’m on my way—”
    Despite wanting nothing more than Antonio here, now, she found the strength to deny herself. “No, you’re not. If I consent to work with you, we’ll meet in a public place.”
    “Like a hotel room?” Seduction softened his voice.
    “Like a restaurant. A busy, well-lit restaurant.”
    “I understand, cara mia , you don’t trust yourself alone with me.” He laughed.
    A tingle ran up her spine. “Exactly.” Her voice dripped sarcasm to cover the sudden flare of desire. “And I wouldn’t want to take advantage of you.”
    “Feel free to do so at any time.”
    “Can we be serious, please?” And this was serious. They could both be in danger if things didn’t go well finding the blackmailer.
    “All right. Where and when?”
    “Lunch tomorrow?” She tried to think of a well-lit, busy restaurant. “Batista’s?”
    “Perfect. Noon tomorrow, bella .”
    “ Ciao .” She set down her phone, picked up her drink, and sat back, breathing in the scent of night-blooming flowers. Relaying their conversation in her mind, she vowed to make their interactions more pleasant from now on. She wanted to get to know him before she let him into her life.
    Funny, she did want him in her life. She sipped her martini and followed the beam of light from the Luxor up into the night sky. But what did he want?
    At noon the next day, Valerie pulled her convertible into the lot at Batista’s and parked next to a sexy red Ferrari convertible. It had to be his—no stereotyping involved—the license plate read “Tonio.”
    She took off the band holding her braid, ran her fingers through her hair and checked her lipstick in the rearview mirror. Nervous energy sluiced through her as she stepped out of her car. She took a deep breath. This was just a business lunch—with the hottest man under the Vegas sun.
    She walked into the landmark restaurant and blinked to adjust her eyes to the dark interior. Antonio and the host stood conversing in Italian, but both men stopped and smiled when they saw her. She’d dressed casually in a red floral sundress and strappy sandals, but Antonio was in his standard jeans and T-shirt.
    “Valerie.” Antonio took her hand and kissed her fingers softly. His eyes met hers over their joined hands, and he nipped her knuckle.
    “Bad,” she whispered, but she smiled as she took her hand back.
    “Always,” he answered and held her

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