The Bleeding Sun

Read Online The Bleeding Sun by Abhishek Roy - Free Book Online

Book: The Bleeding Sun by Abhishek Roy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abhishek Roy
Tags: adventure, Action, spy, chronicles, abhishek roy, bleeding sun, roy lucas
prototype device that he
had recovered, it was not possible for others to know about his
fake passports and identities. Also, he had planned this visit to
the casino very discretely and had not made any form of contact
with the head office. He had destroyed the power source of the
prototype device and hence no one could have tracked him or
followed him any further. He was also under disguise as the
European businessman. On top of these he had failed to extract the
location of the safe house.
    Since Rosmus was
already on the way, Lucas didn’t have time to lose. He needed to
follow Rosmus’s trail before the tracking signal was lost. He would
need to get out of the casino and go for Annie. As the door flung
open and the Viper agents entered the room, Lucas turned the dial
of his watch and pressed a button. The C4 sticks he had placed
along the fire extinguishers and the elevator detonated. The blast
rocked the building as smoke and flame engulfed the upper floors.
The elevator was stranded on the 45 th floor when the C4 sticks
had detonated. It went for a freefall. Due to the blast, both
Romanovich and the Viper agents had started to
    Before eliminating Lucas, their
task at hand was to secure Romanovich and move him safely out of
the building. Romanovich fired a shot and ran towards the door as
Lucas took advantage of the situation. He jumped behind
Romanovich’s recliner as the Vipers started firing their hand guns.
He crawled to the back of the bar. The firing had temporarily
stopped as two of the Viper agents secured Romanovich and headed
out to take him to safety. He would surely be taken to a safe
location, possibly the safe house where Annie was being held. It
would probably be the same place where Rosmus had headed
    Lucas looked around for choice of
weapons. He picked up a cork screw from the racks and also took out
a bottle of tequila. He also pulled out his Swiss knife from his
shoe. Romanovich’s half burnt cigar was still lighted up and was
lying on the ground. The viper agent moved towards the bar with his
eyes on the target and fingers firm on the trigger. As he came
close enough, Lucas leapt out of the bar counter and smashed the
bottle of tequila on his head. He used the cork screw and the Swiss
knife to vigorously stab the agent a few times to force him to drop
his gun. As the agent thrashed around in pain, Lucas picked up the
gun and the half burnt cigar. He threw the cigar on the Viper
agent’s face as he swiftly headed towards the main door. The
tequila soaked agent immediately caught fire and scream out in
    As he rushed to the front door,
Lucas could hear footsteps of more agents heading towards the room
in order to eliminate him. He took cover behind the door as two
more agents rushed in. They were surprised to see that Lucas was
missing and instead their fellow agent had been set on fire. As
they moved towards the burning agent, Lucas took them down with two
shots. He killed the agent who had been screaming out in pain owing
to the burns, to put him out of his suffering. He headed out of the
main door, collected his gun from the entrance and stormed down the
    As he headed to the floor below,
he went straight for the service elevator. The guests on the floor
were in utter panic. They screamed and ran around the corridor
trying to get out of the floor. As they rushed out of the emergency
staircase few people were injured in the stampede. Lucas opened the
service elevator shaft to recover his backpack. He couldn’t
possibly manage to swiftly head towards the basement using the
emergency stairs owing to the large number of people that were
present in the staircase in every floor. He would not be able to
get hold of Romanovich as he escaped. Instead he had a much better
    He headed towards Romanovich’s
suite once again. The suite had a personal helipad located on the
top. He could use his hand glider to glide down to the

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