Rage and Redemption (Rebel Angels)

Read Online Rage and Redemption (Rebel Angels) by Cyndi Friberg - Free Book Online

Book: Rage and Redemption (Rebel Angels) by Cyndi Friberg Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cyndi Friberg
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cot, Gideon induced a sleep from which she would awaken naturally.
    When they stepped out into the bailey, Gabriel grabbed his arm. “Did you take the memory from her?”
    “I told you I would not.”
    Glancing around quickly, Gabriel asked, “Why do you want her to know what we are?” He paused. “Did you summon her?”
    Gideon grinned, giving his brother a glimpse of pointed fangs.
    “You did! Why? How does her knowing advance your twisted scheme?”
    “You will just have to wait—and watch.”
    Gabriel stepped closer, the golden shards in his eyes glowing again. Did he even realize his control had slipped?
    “This cannot go on forever. I begged Michael—”
    “Do not speak that name to me!” he snarled then continued in a softer, if no less threatening tone. “And you answered your own question. I am interested in Naomi because I have not forgotten the part you played in the existence I now endure.”
    “You’re enduring an existence of your own making. You’re an angel and yet you—”
    “I am not an angel. Michael saw to that.”
    “Nay, you saw to that. Michael did not create your thirst for blood. He just allowed it to become literal.” Gabriel took a deep breath and the intensity of his gaze began to lessen. “I ensured that your punishment would not be permanent. You can still find redemption if you try. But you must want redemption. You must learn from this, Gideon, or all is lost.”
    He scoffed. “What makes you think all is not lost already? Would you have me believe that He will have me back after all I have seen—all I have done?”
    “Not while this battle rages within you. You have been running in circles for a century. It’s time to take a stand. You must embrace the darkness or return to the light.”
    “Perhaps I’m so comfortable in the darkness I’ve forgotten the light.”
    Gabriel shook his head. “I don’t even know you when you speak like this. I can’t stop you if you’re bent on destroying yourself. But why take an innocent with you? Why must Naomi pay the price for your rebellion?”
    “She isn’t paying the price for my rebellion, brother. She’s paying the price for your love.”

Chapter Four
    Gideon made his way silently though the darkness, his mind troubled and his heart torn. He should feel exalted that he had come so far so quickly. So why did he find no joy in his victory?
    Naomi’s face appeared in vivid clarity. He pictured her as she had been moments before, angry and defiant, despite her fear. Then he saw her as Crispin had left her, vulnerable and terrified.
    A potent combination of lust and rage shot through him again. It was staggering that just the memory of the incident could produce so powerful a reaction. He had wanted to kill Crispin for playing his part so well.
    Be careful, my friend, Crispin had said. This girl may teach you a lesson you’re not prepared to learn.
    Gideon hadn’t responded then, but the warning came back to him now. Why had he reacted so violently when he knew Naomi had been in no real danger? Why would her image not leave his mind? Why did her hesitant smile and easy laughter tear at a heart he most often ignored?
    She was more dangerous than he ever imagined.
    Closing his eyes, Gideon surrendered to the night, allowing his form to melt away into the darkness. He needed to feed. All of the emotional upheaval had left him depleted and weak.
    He had fought his need for blood in the beginning, not fully understanding what he had become. Then hunger came upon him with violent spasms of pain and his body rejected everything except human blood. He had long since come to terms with the conditions of his survival. He was a predator who relished the hunt and he never forgot the reason for his transformation. An existence of his own making, Gabriel had called it.
    A guard was dozing on a secluded section of the parapets. Gideon materialized in front of him and kicked the man’s sword out of reach. “Your captain would

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