Pwf & The Goblins' Revenge pdf

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Book: Pwf & The Goblins' Revenge pdf by Kaye Umansky Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kaye Umansky
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to carry out the biggest
    Broomnapping in the whole of history. Of course, it all depends on the success of Plugugly's
    The Goblins are really trying hard with this one, and to give credit where it's due,
    they haven't done too badly at all so far. A few minor details have gone wrong, but they've
    got the most important things right. For a start, they have remembered to come. They also
    have the correct evening. They have even made an effort to disguise themselves. Plugugly is
    wearing a false nose, Lardo and Hog have done things with paper bags, and the others are
    got up as bushes.

    They are doing other things right too. They are attempting to blend into the
    shadows. They are downwind of their prey. They have a secret password, which none of
    them can pronounce. The word is UNPRONOUNCEABLE.
    In the dark, it's difficult to tell friend from foe, so they keep whispering it, just to be
    on the safe side. In between attempting to pronounce unpronounceable, they are making
    the sort of noises that they feel small woodland creatures might make, in case the Brooms
    get suspicious. They are armed to the teeth with everything you might possibly need for a
    mass Broomnapping. Sacks, ropes, nets, gags, pitchforks, string, whistles, megaphones, a
    bag of humbugs and a large box of matches. Ten out of ten for effort.
    It was a terribly tense time for the Goblins. They never, ever managed to do anything
    right, and they all felt the strain. It would be so nice if, just once, a Goblin Plan worked
    properly — but it was always the same. Whatever they attempted — be it a simple hunting
    trip, a raid on Pongwiffy's rubbish tip, or tying up their boot laces — they always seemed to
    mess it up. Plugugly was particularly nervous, because it was his very own Plan.
    It went like this:

    1. Creep up in disguise
    2. Capture Brooms
    3. Take brooms Home in cart

4. Hide Brooms

    This was very detailed for a Goblin Plan and Plugugly was rightfully proud of it. He
    normally just fell in with other people's plans, but this one he had thought up all by himself.
    That made him the leader. So he was responsible for attending to the details. For checking
    the equipment. For telling everyone what to do. For making sure they did it. No wonder he
    was nervous.
    It was good, though, being the leader. Plugugly was enjoying the novelty of it all.
    When he realised that he could boss people around, he told Sproggit to oil the wheels of the
    cart. The one they would use to carry the broomnapping equipment to Crag Hill and their
    victims back to Goblin Territory.
    That was the first thing that went wrong. Sproggit forgot. So the cart squeaked most
    irritatingly as the Goblins tiptoed all the way from Goblin Territory to Crag Hill — and
    believe me, that's a very long way. Also, a squeaking cart rather tends to spoil the element
    of surprise. So they decided to abandon it at the foot of Crag Hill and carry the equipment
    the restthe way.
    The disguises hadn't really worked that well. Everyone and everything they met
    along the way recognised them instantly and fell about laughing. That was disappointing.

    However, Plugugly consoled himself with the thought that they hadn't yet mucked up
    anything major. Part 1 of the Plan — Creeping Up In Disguise — was now complete. Time for
    Part 2, which was Capture Brooms. The Goblins had rehearsed this bit over and over again.
    At the signal - which was Plugugly shouting "Ready. Steady, Go!" — they would all leap out
    with sticks and ropes and so on, grab the Brooms, wrestle them to the ground, and bind and
    gag them.
    This bit of the plan was hopeless. It had more holes in than the nets the Goblins had
    brought. They never got it right in rehearsals, when there weren’t even any real Brooms. For
    a start, Plugugly never managed to say Ready, Steady, Go! in the right order, so the Goblins
    never managed to leap at the same time. Somebody always tripped over. Nobody was quite
    sure what to do once he'd

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