Project Ami

Read Online Project Ami by Emiel Sleegers - Free Book Online

Book: Project Ami by Emiel Sleegers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emiel Sleegers
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in his backpack. He takes out two cans of food, which immediately cheers him up. He takes out his can-opener and opens the can, and begins eating like he has not eaten for days.
    Ami sits next to him, staring in front of her. She is surprisingly quiet, but Ryan is too busy eating to notice. When he has finished, he then looks over to Ami and asks, ‘Is everything ok?’
    ‘Yes, fine, but what are we going to do now?’ she says, sadness in her voice.
    ‘It’s very late, and I’m too tired to think of all that right now. Let’s do it like this. We will sleep it off, and first thing tomorrow morning, we’ll make a plan on what to do next.’
    ‘Okay,’ says Ami, and she smiles at Ryan.
    Ryan smiles back and then removes his sleeping bag from his bag. He rolls it out and crawls into it, says goodnight, and falls asleep.
    Ami is left sitting alone in the dark. She picks up Ryan’s jacket and lays it on the ground next to him. She lays down and makes herself comfortable, closes her eyes, and lets her mind go blank.

Chapter 6
What to do Next
    The following morning, Ryan and Ami wake to the sound of birds singing, with the sun shining through the trees and onto their faces. Ryan slowly stands up and stretches himself. Ami mimics Ryan by also stretching, and they both start to laugh.
    Ryan stands up and walks around a bit, stretching his legs and enjoying the beautiful morning. He then sits down and takes out his last can of food. He grabs the can-opener, opens the can, and start eating.
    Ami sits next to him and asks, ‘So, what’s the plan?’
    Ryan looks up and says, ‘I have been thinking about it and I think the best thing to do is find a safe place. My parents used to have a cabin in the woods, which would be perfect, but it is quite a distance away. But I do think it’s our best bet. There is a city not far from here, and the cabin is on the other side of the city, deep in the forest.’
    ‘That doesn’t sound too hard. How long do you think it will take us to get there?’
    ‘Well, first of all, we need supplies. The cabin is a few miles away from the city, so getting supplies will be harder. But I think, if everything goes well, then we should be able to get there in three or four days of walking.’
    ‘So how are we going to get the supplies?’ asks Ami.
    ‘I think out best bet will be to look in the city. There are a lot of shops that still have supplies because, when the attacks happened, the city was the first place people left because there were so many KBs there. I don’t know if they are still there, though…’
    ‘It will be dangerous.’
    ‘Yes,’ Ryan agrees, ‘but after that we will be safe from the outside world.’
    Ryan stands up and reaches his hand out to Ami. She takes his hands and helps her up. ‘I’m sure there will be a road close by that we can follow to the city,’ he states. ‘I think it might be an idea if we just keep walking until it’s dark.’
    Ami smiles and says, ‘I’m so glad we are friends.’
    Ryan smiles back and starts to pack his bag.
    The two start to walk through the forest. After walking for a good two hours, they still have not come across a road that leads to the city. Ryan tells Ami he will climb up one of the trees to see if he can see anything.
    ‘Okay, but make sure you don’t fall out of it again!’ says Ami with a smile on her face.
    Ryan looks around and sees a high tree, its branches sticking out, providing a perfect climbing frame. He throws down his backpack and starts to climb the tree. Once at the top, he looks around. He can see that they are surrounded by forest, but then, in the distance, he sees a road going up over one of the hills. He takes out his compass and sees that the road is north from where they are. He carefully climbs down and tells Ami it will not be long before they arrive at the road. ‘Once we have found the road, it should lead us straight to the city,’ Ryan tells her.
    They start to walk in the direction of

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