Project Ami

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Book: Project Ami by Emiel Sleegers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emiel Sleegers
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and lays her head on his shoulder. Ryan then rests his head against the back of the tree and, both with a small smile on their faces, they enjoy the peace and the sounds of nature.
    Ryan soon falls asleep against the tree. A few hours later, Ami wakes him up and tells him that it is starting to cool down. He wakes up and notices that it is already late –evening. ‘Thanks for waking me up,’ he says. He tells Ami that they will walk for another few hours until the sun has set and, after that, they will set up camp in the forest for the night.
    They start to walk back to the road and continue their journey.
    Whilst walking, Ami asks if Ryan can tell her how the world looked before all this happened, and so Ryan begins to tell Ami that the world looked a lot more modern before everything went to hell.
    ‘A year before the attack, the entire world was involved in a technology uprising. There were new things being invented every week to make our lives easier! I can still remember the first time they announced that you could buy bots to help you with your everyday tasks.’ He smiled sadly. ‘Everything went so fast. Within a year, almost every household had its own helper bot. We also had other really cool stuff, like virtual reality and holograms, that were all quite new. It was still a start but you could already play games with them or watch movies.’
    ‘But with all this technology, there were also specific groups of people who did not like change, who did not trust it, and those people ended up attacking it. I’m sure they didn’t mean for it to go so far, but it is what it is.’
    Ami tells Ryan that the world sounds like it was a nice place before the attacks.
    ‘Yeah, it was, but hey, see it like this. I would never have met you if all of this hadn’t happened,’ says Ryan.
    Ryan and Ami continue walking alongside the road, talking about random things. After a few hours, Ryan notices that the sun has almost set, and he tells Ami that he thinks this is a good time to set up camp for the night. They walk a bit further, and they find a small forest path leading into the forest. They follow the path and, not too far into the forest, they stumble across an abandoned campsite. There is an open space with an RV and a few tents around it. It looks like people lived there for quite some time, but now there is nobody to be seen.
    Ryan and Ami slowly walk to the RV. Ryan takes out his gun and opens the door. He jumps inside but sees there is no one in it.
    He walks outside again and says to Ami that he will check the tents to be sure. There are two tents open, and he can already see that there is nobody in either. He walks to the third tent, which is closed, and slowly opens the tent. When the tent opens just a little bit, a horrible smell hits Ryan in the face, and he has to fight the urge to throw up. He takes a quick look inside the tent and sees a decomposed body that has been left warming in the sun for the longest time.
    He quickly closes the tent and tells Ami not to open it.
    ‘Why? What’s in it?’ she asks, and Ryan tells her that there is someone in there that died a long time ago. Ami is still not completely used to being surrounded by death, and she takes a few steps back and avoids coming close.
    ‘Can I look in the RV?’ she asks.
    ‘Sure,’ Ryan says, and they both walk inside the VR. Ryan starts to check the cabins and, whilst doing that, he starts to laugh.
    ‘Woohoo. It looks like we have some dinner tonight,’ he says to Ami whilst holding two cans of chili.
    Ami smiles and says, ‘I wish I could eat. I wonder how those things taste.’
    Ryan looks up and says, ‘Consider yourself lucky. The taste is not worth going through the trouble of needing to keep finding food and water.’ He then walks over to the back of the RV and there he finds a large twin bed. He feels the matrass, which is very soft. He then jumps on the bed and a bit of dust flies up.
    ‘Wow, it’s been a long time since

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