Prime Selection

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Book: Prime Selection by Monette Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monette Michaels
Tags: Romance
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effort to put some sway into her hips, knowing her breasts would follow the laws of physics and move also.
    She stifled a laugh when she heard Bram say to A’tem, “ Diew , she is a goddess.”
    Yeah, she was a goddess. A goddess of war.
    As she made her catlike approach, one guard noticed her almost immediately. His body stiffened as his gaze stripped her of her remaining clothing. She chanced a glance at his crotch. Oh yeah, he was alert all right. She sent him a sultry smile and then turned another on his buddy who’d moved to stand next to him. Both men concentrated on her breasts.
    Nadia stopped about three meters away from the men. Chill bumps covered her exposed skin and she hugged her waist with both arms for warmth. This thrust her 36-Cs further up until her perked nipples threatened to spill over the top of the demibra.
    She spoke haltingly in Prime, her two plus weeks of intensive language lessons being put to the test big-time. “You guys have an extra blanket or coat I could borrow? I’m cold.” She fluttered her lashes and rubbed her hands up and down her arms, calling even more attention to her breasts.
    Both men glanced at her face for a split second before turning their leering gazes back to her chest. After several seconds, one guy recovered enough to jab an elbow in his pal’s gut and mumble something she couldn’t hear.
    The jabber walked toward her, his side arm at ready, and his eyes now focused on her hands. Looking for a weapon she didn’t have. “Who are you? And where did you come from?” He spoke in standard Galactic.
    She dropped her arms and waved a hand toward him. “Oh, I guess you aren’t Prime.
    I thought everyone on this desolate rock was Prime.” She replied in the same language, allowing her native accent to appear. “I asked if you had a blanket or a coat. It’s cold out here.”
    “And I asked who you are and where you came from. Answer me, bitch.” The man, with his comrade following closely behind, stalked toward her, narrowing the gap to less than one and a half meters. Close enough that she could smell the liquor they’d drank wafting on the now brisk night breeze. They also stank of sweat and dirt.
    “I’m … um … well it’s embarrassing … I’m really not the sort of girl who runs around in her underwear … but this Prime soldier brought me here in a shuttle from Jump Station Ursa II and we’ve been…” she waved a hand over her exposed upper torso, “…um, you can probably guess what we’ve been doing.”
    Nadia backed away from them, slowly leading them toward the palette stack where her men waited. The minutes on her internal mission clock ticked away in her head. She needed to close the deal and get these two out of the way.
    “The bastard was gone when I woke up. He’d taken my shirt and coat … I couldn’t find anyone…” She allowed her words to trail off and looked at them with what she hoped was a pleading look. “I could give you both a blowjob if you’d find me a coat.”
    The man who’d done all the talking closed the distance between them in several large steps. The brute grabbed her arm, jerking her up against him. She gasped at his action. Big mistake since it meant she also inhaled. She wrinkled her nose in disgust and breathed through her mouth. It didn’t help. He smelled worse than a garbage scow.
    The man muttered against her ear. His touch, his breath, made her skin crawl. He also continued to shove her closer to the palettes. “Oh hell yeah, a blowjob and anything else we want, you beautiful bitch. I’ve got dozens of friends on this rock who’d like that and more. You won’t be needing a coat—we’ll keep you warm.”
    Dozens of friends? She wanted to ask how many, specifically, but that would blow the plan. She sensed her men’s rage at her being manhandled and their wavering patience.
    They couldn’t attack while the man held her so closely with a laser pistol to her side.
    His friend closed the distance and

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