Prime Selection

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Book: Prime Selection by Monette Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monette Michaels
Tags: Romance
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they were in the military compound’s underground rooms and tunnels, they’d be like rats in a maze. And rather than trying to find their way to a piece of cheese, they’d be avoiding the entrenched enemy.
    Plans in place, the trip to the storage shed and into the maintenance tunnel was accomplished easily and without trouble in under ten standard minutes.
    She shoved open the lid of the tunnel, climbed out onto the dirt-packed surface, and then ran to the cover of the large pallets of boxes. A’tem and Bram, after replacing the lid over the tunnel opening, followed her quickly and quietly. She peered around the edge of their hiding place and spied the two large humanoid males who’d come on duty approximately fifteen standard minutes ago. They were alert and heavily armed with knives, laser pistols, and automatic laser rifles. They stood guard, one on either side of the only entrance to the building under which the communications room was located.
    Nadia spoke, keeping her voice low and atonal so as not to carry to the guards. “We clear on the plan?”
    The two men nodded.
    She handed her goggles and laser weapons to A’tem. “Hold these for me. I have some men to distract. As soon as they are focused on me make your move. I’ll attempt to lure them closer to you and away from the door.” She stripped off her borrowed uniform top under which she wore another garment—a lacy, sheer bra she’d borrowed from one of her female crew members who had a sexy lingerie fetish.
    At Bram’s sharp inhalation, she glared at him. “You never saw me like this, soldier.”
    Bram shut his mouth, which had dropped open, and nodded, but his fiery gaze did not budge. A’tem was unfazed since he was used to working with female soldiers who’d been trained to use whatever weapons they had at hand to defeat the enemy.
    She coughed and the Prime had the grace to flush along his high cheekbones and shift his gaze back to her face.
    A’tem chuckled quietly.
    Nadia snorted. She’d have to remember to tell Wulf they needed to run some simulations with the Prime crew members to get them used to female soldiers using their wiles and attributes to defeat the enemy. Sex was a powerful drive, and when used appropriately had taken down many an enemy soldier. The strategy wouldn’t be effective if their crew members were distracted right along with the enemy.
    As ready as she’d ever be, she muttered, “Let’s get these bastards.”
    She stood and stretched to her full height. Taking a deep breath in preparation to confront the enemy, she realized her breasts threatened to spill over the top of the low-cut bra. The cool night air had puckered her nipples, and they showed darkly through the translucent ivory lace.
    Both A’tem and Bram stifled low groans and she shot them a narrow-eyed glance.
    Bram’s lust felt like fur brushing over her skin and her mind; the emotion had a taste—wine and chocolate. She shivered from a combination of the cool night air and the waves of feelings coming from her Prime teammate.
    But she couldn’t fault either man for their reaction. She wanted the enemy guards to react in exactly the same way—it was much easier to lead a man thinking with his dick instead of his brain. If this weren’t a life and death matter, she wouldn’t be caught dead in the bra that barely contained her full breasts—she looked like a Terran whore. Men, all men, no matter the race or culture, could always be distracted by a nearly naked set of breasts.
    “Head in the game, soldiers.” Her voice was harsh and cold.
    A’tem recovered first and elbowed Bram. “Go, Nadia. We have you covered.”
    She ran fingers through her short, curly, blonde hair. The paleness of her hair and her cerulean blue eyes when set off against the golden skin of her Siberian ancestors gave her an exotic look. Licking her full lips, she slid around the protection of the stacked boxes and began the walk toward the soon-to-be dead enemy. She made an

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