Primal Passion

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Book: Primal Passion by Mari Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari Carr
Tags: Suspense, Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Billionaire, Arranged marriage, menage a trois, fbi, graphic sex, triad
“Good. I’m not using a
    Gunner lifted his head. “Price…”
    “I’m clean. You?”
    Gunner nodded.
    “Then this conversation is over. She’s ours.
We’re hers. I’m not putting anything between us. If you want to,
that’s your call to make.”
    “Does everything about today feel completely
weird to anyone else, or is it just me?” While Deni had spent
nearly every second since Price walked into her lab struggling to
adjust, neither man displayed the slightest bit of unease or
confusion or…hell…anything.
    Gunner pressed a quick kiss on her shoulder.
“It’s all odd, Deni. But that doesn’t mean it’s wrong.”
    “I’m not saying that. It’s just—”
    Price interrupted her. “I understand what you
mean. You and I are jumping into this relationship in the middle.
Most couples have a definite beginning where they play the dating
game. They get to know each other slowly, in safe places like
restaurants and movie theaters. You and Gunner got to do a bit of
that. Meanwhile, we skipped the preliminaries, hopped into bed
within hours of meeting, talking about birth control and
masturbating while—”
    “Masturbating?” Gunner asked.
    Price chuckled. “You missed that part.”
    Gunner looked like he wanted specifics, but
Price continued. “Regardless of how strange this situation is, I’m
not sure I’ve ever been in a relationship that felt more natural.
More honest.”
    Deni wanted to agree, but she had no
comparison. A quick glance at Gunner’s face confirmed he felt the
same way as Price. She’d take their word for it, because the simple
truth was she trusted them.
    Apparently the time for talking had passed.
Gunner sat up, moving her legs apart and kneeling between them. As
she looked into his beloved face, she recognized the power of this
moment. And how much she wanted these men.
    She’d told herself she would never experience
love. She was wrong. She would fall in love with them. She probably
was already there with Gunner, and there was something about Price
that called to her, touched her.
    Price rose and stood beside the bed. His gaze
never left her face as Gunner leaned forward, placing his cock at
the entrance of her sex. She sucked in a deep breath as Gunner
slowly pressed in.
    There was a twinge of discomfort, then a
stinging pain. Deni tried to mask her slight wince, but she clearly
failed. Price frowned as Gunner froze.
    “Don’t stop,” she whispered.
    Gunner studied her face and then he continued
to move until he was seated to the hilt.
    “Okay?” he asked.
    She nodded and then grinned. “Guess I’m not a
virgin anymore.”
    Gunner didn’t immediately agree. She gasped
when he started to pull out, the sudden movement catching her by
    He didn’t stop until he’d completely
withdrawn. She was confused until she watched him stepped aside so
Price could take his place.
    “Oh,” she said softly as Price entered her.
Like Gunner, he left her feeling uncomfortably full. She’d have to
research the male anatomy, determine if her men were a bit larger
than the norm.
    Price leaned forward and kissed her. “Ours,”
he murmured against her lips.
    She smiled, no longer feeling threatened by
his undeniable claiming. “Mine,” she declared.
    Price moved back the slightest bit and then
pushed in faster.
    Deni released a completely unladylike squeak
and wrapped her legs around Price’s waist, urging him to do it
    Price complied, thrusting in and out for at
least a dozen strokes. The twinges of discomfort gave way to pure
    Then Price left her and Gunner took his
place, driving her farther, higher. Her fingernails dug into
Gunner’s back and he hissed with pain. She recalled his comment
about good hurts. This one must have qualified because he increased
his speed, groaning in obvious desire.
    She cried out when Gunner left her again, but
Price didn’t give her time to miss him, picking up the same
maddening, beautiful rhythm.
    Deni looked

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