Primal Passion

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Book: Primal Passion by Mari Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mari Carr
Tags: Suspense, Contemporary, Erotic Romance, Billionaire, Arranged marriage, menage a trois, fbi, graphic sex, triad
other nipple. Price nipped at her breast while Gunner increased the
suction. Deni lifted her hips and tightened her fingers in his hair
until his scalp stung.
    Price took them to the next level when he
reached lower, rubbing her clit. Deni thrust against his fingers,
begging for more.
    “So wet.” He heard Price murmur. He suspected
his partner in lust was urging him on, as anxious as he was to bury
himself inside their pretty little bride.
    Gunner released her breast to kneel by her
hip. He watched Price’s fingers drive Deni’s arousal higher,
stroking her clit harder, faster.
    “God, please,” she cried.
    Did she know what she was asking for?
    Gunner reached out, desperate to feel her wet
heat. He circled the entrance to her sex. Deni stilled, her chest
rising and falling with her rapid breaths. She was close to coming,
he could see it in her flushed face, her heavily lidded eyes. It
wouldn’t take much.
    Gunner glanced at Price, who nodded.
    “Do it,” Price urged.
    Gunner thrust two fingers inside Deni’s tight
pussy while Price continued caressing her clit. Deni stiffened,
balling her hands into fists at her sides.
    “Oh my God. Holy shit.” Her words escaped in
loud pants when he withdrew and then pressed back in. Her pussy
clenched against his fingers, her eyes closing tightly.
    “Gunner. Price.” She screamed their names as
they pushed her over, her orgasm striking hard and fast. Price
acknowledged her pretty cries as he moved next to her and swallowed
her soft mewls with gentle kisses.
    Gunner’s heart raced as he watched his
    Oh yeah. He could definitely do a lifetime of

Chapter Four
    Deni clung to Price’s shoulders, struggling
to understand what had just happened. One minute she was sitting on
the loveseat in the living room, so anxious she couldn’t think
straight. The next she was lying naked in bed with two of the most
gorgeous men she’d ever met, having the greatest orgasm of her
    And they hadn’t even fucked her yet.
    Her mind whirled.
    Somewhere along the line, Gunner had moved to
claim her other side, and she was currently the middle of a man
sandwich. She giggled.
    “Something funny?” Price asked.
    She shook her head, unwilling to tell them
her silly thoughts. “I’m just happy. But we’re not done, are we? I
mean neither of you…” She wasn’t sure how to finish her comment.
She could feel two very distinct erections pressing against her
    “We thought we’d give you a second to catch
your breath.” Gunner stroked her breast. Deni struggled not to make
a sound. Her skin was super sensitive and everything they did to
her felt unbelievable. Amazing.
    “Are you on birth control?”
    Deni felt her face flush again. Leave it to
Price to cut to the chase.
    “I am.”
    She sensed Gunner’s surprise.
    She lifted one shoulder, not quite
comfortable sharing so many personal details of her life. “My
menstrual cycles were irregular and I used to experience bad
cramps. The doctor suggested them and they work.” She was careful
to avoid eye contact with either man. She couldn’t believe she was
lying in bed naked with them, talking about her period.
    “Do you remember to take it?”
    Deni narrowed her eyes at Price’s question.
“Yes, I remember.” Most of the time. She didn’t say the last out
loud. She never missed more than a day or two, and she always
corrected the oversight the way the doctor told her to.
    “Did you take today’s?”
    Price was like a dog with a bone. He seemed
convinced she’d lose her own head if it wasn’t attached.
    She nodded and then paused. Had she? “I think
so.” Then she remembered taking it in her office as part of her
breakfast regimen of a too-ripe banana and a cup of coffee. God,
had it really only been this morning that she’d been in her lab,
working away as if her entire life wasn’t about to take a wide
right turn? “Yes. I did. I absolutely did.”
    Price kissed her.

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