Primal Passion
reached out and clasped her hand in his.
Price watched without joining them.
    “Deni, you have nothing to be afraid of.”
    She frowned. “I’m not scared.”
    He grinned. She was a shitty liar.
    Price sank down on the mattress near her
feet. “Well, I am.”
    Deni’s eyes widened. “You are?”
    “I’ve never had sex with a virgin,” Price
    “So if I’d had sex before, you’d be doing
things differently?”
    Gunner nodded. “Yeah. A lot different.”
    Deni didn’t reply immediately. “I don’t want
you to do that. I’ve been the odd guy out my whole life. I’m tired
of it.”
    Gunner raised her hand and kissed it. “This
isn’t just about you. I’ve never participated in ménage sex
    Price moved closer, crawling up the bed until
he’d claimed Deni’s other side. “Oh, I’ve done threesomes.”
    Deni laughed, the sound catching Gunner
off-guard until she said, “Why am I not surprised?”
    She squeezed his hand and then reached over
to touch Price’s face. “Tell you what. Let’s forget the virginity
thing and the ménage thing. Maybe we could just go with the flow.
Figure out what feels right for us.”
    Price grinned. “I can handle that. What do
you want to do first?”
    “Can I touch you?” Her eyes drifted lower,
giving away exactly what she was curious to explore.
    Gunner moved until both he and Price were
sitting in front of her. He lifted her hand and pressed her fingers
against his chest. “I’m yours, Deni. You can do whatever you
    She rubbed her hand along his pecs and
shoulders, then repeated the same motions on Price’s chest. She
drifted her fingers lower but stopped short as her shyness
reappeared. Price took away her choice. He grabbed her hand and
wrapped her fingers around his cock.
    Deni slowly stroked the hard flesh. Gunner
wondered how Price was able to remain patient with her light
touches. He shook his head. “No, Deni. Like this.” He placed his
hand on top of hers, the two of them wrapped around Price’s
    Price narrowed his eyes and then groaned when
Gunner showed her exactly how firmly she could rub him.
    “Fuck,” Price muttered. “That feels…” His
voice faded away when Gunner encouraged Deni to grip Price’s balls
with her free hand. Then he added extra pressure.
    “I’m not hurting him?”
    Gunner shook his head. “You ever heard the
song with the lyrics about something hurting so good? People are
capable of finding pleasure through pain.”
    Price’s gaze captured Deni’s. “I’m going to
show you exactly how that works.”
    “When?” Deni’s tone betrayed her undeniable
    Gunner chuckled and then leaned forward and
kissed her as they continued to rub their hands along Price’s
    Price’s breathing warned Gunner he was
getting too close. Gunner loosened his grip on Deni’s hand and then
pulled her away from their lover.
    Price put his sudden freedom to good use,
tugging Deni’s waist until she was lying on the mattress. Gunner
continued kissing her as he gripped her hair, tightening his
fingers in her soft tresses, building the pressure until Deni
gasped. “Oh, I see.”
    Price leaned over her chest and took her
nipple into his mouth, sucking on the distended flesh. Deni
    Deni’s caresses were timid at first. She
rested her hands on Gunner’s shoulders, but as the power of the
moment grew, she became bolder, braver, wilder. She ran her fingers
through his hair, reaching down with the other hand to stroke
Price’s face.
    Gunner tried to understand the part of him
that loved having Price in bed with them. He’d never looked at
another man with anything even remotely close to desire. And while
he didn’t feel attracted to Price, he didn’t mind their close
contact or even Price’s accidental brushes against him.
    They were partners, working together to bring
their spouse pleasure…and maybe help each other out along the
    Gunner lowered his head and claimed

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