Pride and Consequence

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Book: Pride and Consequence by Altonya Washington Read Free Book Online
Authors: Altonya Washington
stepsister. “Yes, he is.”
    Eddie frowned and turned to face her sister. She waited for Zakira to elaborate.
    â€œHe really is as sweet and thoughtful as he is gorgeous and sexy,” she clarified.
    Eddie shrugged. “That would appear to be true,” she agreed, lightly.
    â€œSure seemed taken by you, girl,” Zakira teased.
    Edwina smiled. “You are imagining things.”
    â€œHa! I’m not imagining the way your eyes were glued to him.”
    â€œZ! I don’t believe you said that,” Edwina replied, outraged. “And anyway, wasn’t it you who said I should forget about men for a while?”
    Zakira waved her hand. “Not when it comes to Trekel Grisani. I can’t believe I never considered putting you guys together before. You couldn’t tear your eyes away from him and he couldn’t stop looking at you. Why deny it? The man is gorgeous and built. Unlike most of his colleagues, he’s a good, honest lawyer, and he seemed very into you.”
    Eddie sent Zakira an exasperated look. “As if I don’t have enough problems with men,” she sighed, raising her hands.
    Zakira leaned across the table. “What problems, Eddie? Tree is a very nice guy. He’s sweet, gorgeous and intelligent. You don’t come across a combination like that every day.”
    â€œI’m sure you’re right. But Z, maybe you haven’t realized that I only date black men.”
    Zakira appeared dumbfounded. Then, she realized what Eddie meant. “Honey, Tree is black.”
    Edwina leaned back in her chair and balled her fist beneath her chin. “Did we just talk to the same man? Tall, gorgeous…white?”
    â€œEddie, he is black. His father is Italian, but his mother is definitely a black woman. He doesn’t have her coloring, but look at his features and you can tell.”
    Eddie shrugged, but still appeared uneasy.
    â€œEdwina you can’t deny that you were attracted to him.”
    â€œMaybe I can’t, but I’m just not ready for another man right now. Any man,” she said, sounding as though she were trying to convince herself.

    â€œHe told me to show you right in, Zakira,” Carrie Shephard said as she opened the door to her boss’s office.
    Tree was on the phone when his assistant escorted Zakira inside. He waved to her and began wrapping up his call.
    She walked around the impressive penthouse office located in a posh silver skyscraper in downtown Richmond. She had not visited in a while, but she was always amazed by the beauty of Tree’s home. Everything was dark and oversized to accommodate his size. Still, both the office and the living quarters held an unmistakable aura of style and authority. She was studying a wall decorated only with pictures of Tree and Malik. If Trekel Grisani couldn’t put her fears to rest concerning her husband, she didn’t know who could.
    â€œHey, you.” Tree said, as he headed over to Zakira. He leaned down to give her a warm hug.
    â€œHi,” Zakira sighed.
    A small furrow formed between Tree’s sleek brows and he pulled away. “What’s the matter?”
    She came right out with it. “Tree, do you know what’s going on with Malik?”
    â€œWhat’s…going on with him?” Tree replied, watching Zakira suspiciously.
    â€œMmm-hmm. He’s been acting so weird for the past few weeks. I think he might be sick…Can you tell me anything?”
    Tree managed to slip his mask in place before Zakira could see that he knew more than he was telling. He had warned Malik that Zakira’s intuition was keen where her husband was concerned.
    Zakira took a seat in front of Tree’s desk and pinned him with her large chocolate stare. “Tree, I know Malik is your client, but I’m asking you as his wife…as your friend. I’d appreciate anything you could tell me.”
    Tree reclined in his chair and stroked the

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