
Read Online Reunion by Sharon Sala - Free Book Online

Book: Reunion by Sharon Sala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Sala
“What do you mean…what did I see?”
    She touched his forehead. “In there. What did you see?”
    A chill settled over Laura’s body as she waited for his answer, staring absently at the way the rain ran down his face and wondering if all of it was rain, or if it was mixed with tears. His silence was more telling than he could have known, though his only visible reaction to her question was a slight flaring of his nostrils.
    “Gabriel…what did—”
    “Hell. I saw hell.” Then he turned to walk away.
    Without thinking, Laura reached for him again, clutching at him as if he—or maybe it was she—were drowning. Her hair was slick and plastered to her head. Her nightgown and robe molded to her body, and her bare feet were beginning to chill. But the fire in her voice was something Gabriel couldn’t ignore.
    “You listen to me, Gabriel Connor. As long as you draw breath, it’s never too late. But if I’m going to help you, you’re going to have to trust me.”
    Tension coiled in the pit of his belly as he stared into her face. He wanted to believe her. No…he needed to believe her.
    She stood without moving, her hand upon his arm, her gaze unwavering.
    Still he hesitated, looking down at the rose that lay in the puddle between them. He kept thinking of one just like it lying on a dead woman’s chest, and then tonight, the rain-soaked token that the killer had once again left behind. And while it had yet to be proven that what he’d seen tonight had actually taken place, his gut instinct told him that it had. He took a deep breath, exhaling softly so as not to wake the demon that slept within him, and stared deep into her eyes.
    “Miss Dane?”
    “No. Laura, remember?”
    He shrugged. “Laura, did you ever consider the fact that I may be going crazy?”
    “Do you believe you’re crazy?” she asked.
    A long moment passed before he answered, but the determination in his voice was impossible to miss.
    “Then the question is moot,” she said.
    “You could be putting yourself in danger.”
    “It wouldn’t be the first time. It won’t be the last,” she retorted.
    “I don’t believe in psychics,” he said.
    A gust of rain splattered itself across her face and the front of her clothes. Shuddering, she wrapped her arms around herself.
    “And I don’t believe in Santa Claus.”
    He almost smiled. “Well, isn’t this something? Two skeptics trying to play doctor in a house of cards.”
    Then he looked up at the sky, as if he’d just realized rain was still falling, and tugged at her hand.
    “We’d better get inside.”
    He stepped over the puddle, leaving the rose adrift on the ever-widening surface. In spite of the fact that he believed he’d just “witnessed” another murder, his step was light, and he knew the reason why. Laura Dane was willing to believe.
    Unsure of the paths in the darkness, Laura let him lead her toward the house, and all the way there, she fought an overwhelming feeling of doom. Even after they were both warm and dry and back in their respective beds, she couldn’t help but wonder if she was setting herself up for a terrible fall.
    Prince Charming Killer Strikes Again!
    Laura’s eyes narrowed nervously as she scanned the headline of the morning paper before reading the accompanying story. As one would expect, the authorities hadn’t given many details, but there were enough for her to make a preliminary judgment about Gabriel Connor’s newfound powers.
    She glanced up as the housekeeper came into the dining room and set a silver chafing dish on the sideboard.
    “Breakfast is served, Miss Dane.”
    “Thank you, Matty, but I’m waiting for Mr. Connor.”
    Gabriel walked into the dining room on the heels of her statement and kissed Matty good morning before she could make her getaway.
    “Good morning, Matty, my love,” he said, grinning because he’d flustered her. Then he glanced at Laura. “No need to wait any longer, I’m here.”
    He picked up

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