Playing for Keeps (Texas Scoundrels)

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Book: Playing for Keeps (Texas Scoundrels) by Jamie Denton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Denton
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dinged and she jumped.  
    Get a grip . She retrieved the mug and dipped an Earl Grey tea bag into the steaming water to steep. The man couldn’t hurt them if she didn’t give him the power to do so. She’d ignore him and he’d leave. If he didn’t, she’d—  
    “I’d like to meet him.”
    She flinched, then spun around, her hand shooting to her throat. “There’s a sign over the door that says ‘private,’ or can’t you read?” Rudeness wasn’t her typical style, but he was crowding her, not just physically, but emotionally. His presence was making her face what frightened her most and she wasn’t prepared. Going to his place in Possum Kingdom, she’d been ready. Finding him on her turf wasn’t something she’d ever dreamed would happen, and she didn’t like it one bit.
    “I’d like to meet my son,” he said again, his deep, rough voice hard.
    She lowered her hand and turned back to her tea, adding a packet of sweetener to her mug. His rich chocolate colored eyes weren’t bloodshot this time, but clear and, she realized, held a hint of danger. “Last time we spoke, you didn’t have a son. I have adoption papers that say he’s my son, remember?” Hoping to come off more confident than she was feeling, she sipped her tea as if she had all the time in the world.  
    He shoved a hand through his thick, dark hair, and gave her a crooked smile. “You caught me at a bad time. I apologize.”
    She lifted a brow at the curving of his lips, a smile she considered more cocksure confidence than contrition, then lowered her mug. “From what I know about you, it’s never a good time. Oh, wait. I take that back. You always have a good time, don’t you, Mr. Maitland?”
    She needed to get away from him. He stood too close. Close enough for her to catch the spicy scent of his aftershave. Stepping around him wasn’t easy since he was so big, and she brushed against him on her way back into the showroom.
    He followed her. “Now wait just a freaking minute.”  
    Why wouldn’t he go away? Why did he have to keep dogging her, standing too close and making her nervous? She snatched an atomizer from the Chippendale and wiped at dust that wasn’t there. “Is that what you had with my sister, Mr. Maitland? A good time?”
    “You’re a real piece of work, you know that?”
    She caught his reflection in the ornate mirror hanging on the wall in front of her. His eyes were hard, as was the firm jaw he was busy clenching. Arms crossed over his wide chest pulled the black graphic t-shirt tight, emphasizing his massive size. She’d seen that gloriously wide chest bared only a week ago. Then, he hadn’t affected her. Now, he intimidated her, and she wasn’t used to being intimidated.
    With more calm than she believed herself capable of possessing in the face of such a huge, angry man, she gently returned the atomizer to the Chippendale. Turning to face him, she smiled, a smile meant to infuriate him so he’d get out her life. “And you’re an ass,” she said sweetly. “So I guess that makes us even.”
    She took a step, but he blocked her path and glared down at her. “I said I was sorry about last week.”
    “Apology accepted.” She moved again, but he moved with her. She realized she knew nothing about him, other than various press reports and entries in Dani’s journal, both sources of information conflicting. One depicted him as sweet, kind and gentle, while the other declared his motto as live hard, play harder, and leave a good-looking corpse.
    “Please leave.” Who was the real Jed Maitland?
    “Not happening.” He shook his head. “Not until we resolve this.”
    She tipped her head back until she could see his eyes. The determination in them made her sorry she’d bothered. “What’s to resolve? You made your position perfectly clear.”
    “I want to meet the kid.” He didn’t shout, but there was a frustrated edge in his voice.
    “He’s not your responsibility.” Anger sparked from

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