Playboy's Lesson

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Book: Playboy's Lesson by Melanie Milburne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie Milburne
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to have free rein. He saw it in the way she held herself, that tight, almost-rigid containment, as if she was afraid of her emotions getting the better of her so had to put them under lock and key.
    She didn’t kiss like a nun. She kissed like a wildcat in heat. He wanted to feel that hot little mouth again and not just on his mouth. His body stirred and stretched at the thought of her sucking him dry. Of her hands skimming over his flesh, teasing him, burning him up with feverish longing.
    Sexual conquests had become a little too easy for him. He didn’t have to work very hard to get what he wanted. It had even become a little too predictable if he were to be perfectly honest with himself. He had the seduction routine down pat—a smile, a charming word or two, a drink and/or dinner and then sex. It had never failed him in the past. It hadn’t failed him that afternoon on the beach, although he hadn’t taken up the girl’s offer to meet up after her shift.
    But while the blonde girl had been beautiful, she hadn’t made his flesh zap and crackle and tingle the way Lottie’s touch did. Even the unbridled dislike in her flinty green gaze turned him on. She loathed him with every ounce of her being but the chemistry that pulsed between them was undeniable.
    ‘Bet it wouldn’t take me long to change your mind.’ He gave her a lazy smile as he took a sip of his drink.
    Her chin came up, those cat’s eyes flashing at him haughtily. ‘You’re forgetting something. I’m a princess. I don’t sleep rough.’
    ‘I’ll be gentle with you.’
    Her cheeks pooled with colour but her mouth was set in schoolmistress reproach. ‘Is there no limit to your impropriety? We are here to discuss the business of my sister’s bachelorette party.’
    ‘Fine. Talk to me. What did you have in mind?’ He held up a hand. ‘No, let me guess. You’re thinking cucumber sandwiches, Earl Grey tea and scones in the conservatory, right?’
    She sucked her cheeks in momentarily, bristling like a pedigree Persian cat in front of an ill-bred dog who was trying to pull off Best in Show. ‘You’re wrong. I was thinking of brunch.’
    ‘Same difference.’
    She frowned in irritation. ‘What’s your brilliant suggestion, then? Something tastefully inappropriate, I suppose?’
    His eyes gleamed with something dark and dangerous. ‘Has this draughty old castle got a dungeon?’
    LOTTIE BLINKED, TRYING to ignore the cold dread that slithered down her spine. ‘Yes, but I hardly see what—’
    ‘Perfect.’ He grinned at her. ‘What better place to put a bunch of girls who want to kick over the traces?’
    ‘Are you out of your mind?’ She stared at him in horror. ‘ A dungeon? For a hens’ night?’
    ‘Run with it for a moment. We could set it up as a nightclub for the night. Hire a DJ, get the girls to dress up in costumes and—’
    Lottie clapped her hands over her ears. ‘I don’t want to hear this. La de da— ’ she raised her voice in a childish singsong chant ‘—I’m not lis-ten-ing!’
    ‘Where’s your sense of fun?’ he asked. ‘Come on, think about it. How much fun would it be to have them party down there in the dungeon? We could dress the waitstaff in black leather.’
    She dropped her hands and clenched them by her sides instead. ‘What is wrong with you? Next you’ll be suggesting they carry whips and handcuffs and tie all the guests up.’
    ‘Brilliant!’ His dark eyes twinkled. ‘I knew you’d get into the spirit of it. Your sister and her friends will have a ball. It’ll be a night to remember.’
    She gave him a withering look. ‘Drunken debauchery in the dungeon? Yes, that’s really classy.’
    ‘I can see you in a skin-tight catsuit with over-the-knee black leather boots. And a mask that only shows your incredible eyes and that sexy little mouth of yours.’
    Lottie suppressed an involuntary shiver as his smouldering gaze ran over her as if he were already picturing her leather

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