have one more thing to ask of you. I want to
make Frano see how harmful that FBI agent is,” she said, looking
sad. “All she has done is hurt him, but he keeps forgiving
the puttana because he has some weird infatuation with her. Did you know when my famiglia imprisoned them
together; she knocked him out and tied him to the bed, raping him
with her fingers.”
I stared at her in disbelief. “She
wouldn’t do that.”
“ Well, s he did, I watched the video, and if
you want proof I will get it for you. That woman is repugnant. She
will manipulate anyone to get what she wants. I just can’t stand to
see her doing it to Frano.” She ran a hand over her face. “I really
don’t know what to do. I’m scared she will assault him
“ What can I do to
help? ”
She dropped her hand. “Keep an eye on him,
make sure he’s safe. I want to do this myself, but you saw how he
kicked me out of the room. She has him wrapped around her little
“ I’ll help any way I can,” I
said, feeling nothing but disgust for what Rita had done, my
opinion of her completely changed.
“ Grazie ,” Camila said, giving me another
hug. “I’m so glad I have found someone as nice as you in this
difficult household.”
“ Likewise.”
She pulled back. “Hopefully
things will improve after the wedding. I want to be a wife Frano can love and
“ You will be,” I consoled
“ As you will be a good wife for
My smile dropped, my mind going
to my husband, the man Jagger had stolen me from . “I’m still
“ T o who?”
“ To a man who doesn’t
deserve my disloyalty.”
“ Where is your
“ America. Jagger took me from
“ Do you want to go back to
“ I can ’ t now, too much has
changed .”
“ We can make you a new
identity, so you can still marry Jagger if you want.”
“ I can’t do that to Liam,” I said,
wanting to cry, “ or Jagger. It would be a lie.”
“ Are you willing to live
with Jagger in sin then?”
I nodded, not knowing what else I could
“ I still think you should take
the new identity and marry Jagger, because he obviously means more
to you.”
I wiped my eyes, feeling guilty that she
was right. “I still owe Liam an explanation, plus he must be
frantic about my disappearance. Can I phone and tell him I’m
“ Definitely not! You will
endanger everyone in this household.”
“ I don’t have to let him know
where I am, just that I’m not dead. I’m also concerned about my parents.
They must be going out of their minds with worry.”
“ It’s too dangerous.” She took a
hold of my arms. “You must promise me not to contact any one in America.”
I remained silent, not sure if I could do
that, the thought of my family suffering killing me.
“ Promise,
“ My real name’s
“ Then, promise me,
“ I promise,” I said,
knowing it was a lie.
My half-sister and I walked down the
busy street, where the nightclubs were all clustered together,
well, the dull … I mean the hetero ones anyway. When I had asked
Teodora to come along with me tonight, she’d jumped at the
opportunity. My little Dora the Explorer was a fun loving girl. She
was twenty and bouncier than the springs on my mattress… Shit, that
sounded sexual, but I didn’t mean it that way, she was just
hyperactive, a five-foot chica on speed. I’d heard a man call her a
pocket fuck once. I made him blow my fist for the comment. No, I
meant, I punched him in the mouth. Man, I couldn’t get my mind off
blowjobs, because my cock was aching. I’d taken something similar
to a Viagra just in case I needed to fuck a Landi sister, but it
had made me hard too soon. I was ready to burst out of my jeans. I
knew I should’ve worn my normal pair, but Dora said my ass looked
better in the tighter ones.
Anyway, b ack to my sister. She was stacked, had a
tiny waist, and a
Ruth Dudley Edwards
Alan Burt Akers
Jacob Ross
V. St. Clair
Jack Ludlow
Olivia Luck
M.L. Greye
Rose Temper
Judith Merkle Riley
P.A. Brown