Lily and the Duke

Read Online Lily and the Duke by Helen Hardt - Free Book Online

Book: Lily and the Duke by Helen Hardt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Hardt
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    “Have some…fun.” She looked away.
    “Doing what, pray tell?”
    “I don’t really know yet. But we’ll find something.”
    “I have no doubt of that.” Daniel kissed her fingertips, stood up, and walked leisurely to the door leading to the bath chamber. “Stay there, love,” he said, his gaze wandering over every curve of her body as she sat on the rumpled comforter. “I want to remember how you look right now. Your lips are the color of a ripe cherry, still swollen from our kisses. Your breasts are the most lovely I’ve seen, round and plump, with the most perfect little crimson berries that harden under my tongue.”
    “And your hair. I love your hair. It’s so soft and dark, almost black, with little glints of brandy here and there. Mmm, your legs, so long and shapely, wrapped around me, and between them, the most luscious little—”
    “Dear God.” Lily looked down. Her breasts were as red as she imagined her face to be.
    Daniel grinned. “Vermeer himself couldn’t do you justice right now.”
    Lily squirmed on the bed, the tender spot between her legs burning. “You shouldn’t talk like that.”
    “Hush. I’m going to run your bath. I’ll call you when it’s ready.” He walked, naked, to the bath chamber.
    She heard the rush of water as he filled the tub. I could be happy here. She lounged lazily on the bed. If I never left this chamber again, I think I could be content . Such musings surprised her, given her desires for art, writing, travel, so she banished them quickly from her mind. She couldn’t get attached to a man like Daniel. He had a renowned sexual appetite and would never be satisfied with just one woman. But for this one day, she would let him care for her. They had shared something intimate and beautiful, and she didn’t regret a moment of it.
    “You can come in now,” he called.
    She padded quickly to the door of the bath chamber and gasped. Gold veined marble walls encased a large room, in the center of which stood a giant porcelain tub with lion’s claws for feet. To her surprise, Daniel was already relaxing in it.
    “I thought I was going to bathe,” Lily said.
    “Of course you are. This tub is plenty large enough for two. You wouldn’t deny me the pleasure of bathing with you, would you?”
    “I haven’t denied you any pleasures so far today, have I?” She couldn’t help smiling.
    “Come to me,” he said.
    She stepped into the tub. The water was warm and soothing as he nestled her back against him.
    He touched her between her legs. “Does it hurt?”
    “Not too much,” she said. “Just a little residual soreness. The warm water feels heavenly.”
    He reached for a bar of scented soap and a soft cloth. He wet the cloth in the water, rubbed the soap on it, and placed it between Lily’s legs. “Let me wash the blood from you. I’m so sorry to have caused you pain.”
    “You didn’t.” She gave a nervous laugh. “That is, I didn’t mind.”
    “I’m glad.” He wrung out the cloth and placed it on the side of the tub. He grabbed the soap again and smoothed it over Lily’s body, caressing her with its lather.
    “Mmm,” Lily said, breathing deeply, “that’s nice.”
    She opened her eyes and took in the sights of the chamber. The golden faucet was in the shape of a lion’s head. A basin stood on a pedestal, also made of creamy white marble. A small door beyond led to a water closet, she assumed. “This is a beautiful bath chamber, and so modern. How long have you had it?”
    “It’s all new actually,” Daniel said. “My mother had all the master bath chambers redone with the most efficient plumbing available after my father died. I was surprised to find it all when I returned from the continent.”
    “It’s just decadent.” Lily closed her eyes and inhaled the natural scent of bodies in warm water. “I don’t know when I’ve enjoyed a bath more.”
    “Is that due to the modern plumbing, or the company?”

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