a large stash of valuable drugs being stored temporarily, and had led some men into a building to take them. When they’d arrived, though, they’d found Nate on his own in there, casually loading up a hover-board with the stuff, having used explosives to blow his way into the building. At first Nero thought he was a member of the Nostra, but it quickly became apparent that he was just a very enterprising individual. Seeing promise in the young man, Nero had quickly recruited him. Now, he was second only to Talyah in Nero’s rudimentary command structure.
“Whatever. We’ve got a big job coming up Nate,” Nero told him.
“Excellent. I was starting to get a bit bored. Where is it, what is it?”
“It’s in one of the Scrapers in the city,” Nero answered.
“Sounds good so far. What is it we’re going after then...?”
Nero paused briefly before answering Nate’s question.
“You know, when I was young, my mother treated me differently to how other mothers treated their kids. They were always out playing games, having fun. Or as much fun as was possible on the streets. My mother kept me inside, to teach me what she knew about our world. At the time, I hated this, I couldn’t stand it. I didn’t understand why I couldn’t go out and play. But my mother was determined, always telling me that I had to improve myself to get on in this world, to compete with everyone else. It wasn’t until after she’d gone that I realised how true this was, and I’ve always tried to improve myself, mentally and physically.
“But, if any of us are to improve enough to compete with the real big-time boys, with all their technology, we need a little help. How many residents of the Scrapers have you seen, Nate?”
“Not many. The odd one on a job. Why?”
“Ever seen any with augmentations?”
“Can’t say as I have.”
“No, they don’t generally do the menial jobs where we might encounter them, but there are plenty that have augmentations fitted. Improved limbs, vision, hearing. They can even have chips implanted that improve their cognitive abilities, allowing them to think quicker, make better decisions. For any of us, born on the streets, to stand a chance of moving up any further, we need these augs.”
“So... you’ve been planning how to get your hands on some, eh?” Nate asked.
“Yes, but it’s difficult. They keep augs secret, and very secure. Generally only the richest can afford them, and they do not want them falling into the wrong hands. Imagine what would happen to them if all of us on the street could easily break into the Scrapers and overpower any security? It would be a nightmare for them.”
“And a money-spinner for us,” Nate interjected.
“Quite. And I think I’ve found where they store augs and operate on people. It’s one Scraper, in the middle of the city. We need to get in there, and find where they keep the augs.”
“So that means we’re going on a little recce?” Nate asked.
It was Talyah who answered him. “We are, Nate. Just the three of us. We need to find out the exact location of the augs, before we go in and have a bit of fun.”
It was early the next morning, and the sun had just emerged over the horizon. Its rays spread throughout the thick atmosphere, turning the entire sky a dull red in colour, and giving the impression that the planet was bleeding. Through this, one small ship was flying, having emerged a few minutes earlier from a hidden cave in the arid mountains, far away from the main city. Flying well in excess of the speed of sound, it didn’t take long for the ship to make its way to the city, the towering buildings appearing on the horizon as they neared.
Inside the ship, Nate, Talyah and Nero were getting ready. Since this was just a reconnaissance job, they weren’t going to be taking many weapons in, though they did think it prudent to each carry a small pistol that slipped into an ankle holster. Their main preparations instead lay in
Ruth Dudley Edwards
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