Play for Me

Read Online Play for Me by Lois Kasznia - Free Book Online

Book: Play for Me by Lois Kasznia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lois Kasznia
Tags: Romnace
is tomorrow night, and you
promised you would go. Ian, please.”
    “I’m sorry, but I’ve got business here I have to take care
of. Besides, I never promised I’d go. You were the one who made the plans
without asking me.”
    “But they’re our best friends.” Jen’s voice grew louder.
    “No, they are your best friends, not mine. We’ve been
over this a million times,” stated Ian angrily.
    “But I thought you liked them. Ian, what is going on with
you? You probably didn’t have time to think about what we talked about, did
    “I have,” said Ian no longer cared about being kind. “I like
you as a friend, but that’s it.”
    “But I thought you really loved me. We see each other almost
every day. Why are you trying to run away from me? Look at all we’ve been
through!” cried Jen.
    “We see each other every day because you come over all the
time, even while I’m working.” Ian did not need this conversation now. “Listen.
Please. We are just friends. I like you but I don’t love you.”
    “Just for sex, that’s it?” asked Jen bitterly. “Am I your
whore, Ian? Is that all I am?”
    “Stop it right there. I never promised you anything. We both
agreed to have sex as adults. We had fun while it lasted, but, Jen, you’re
pushing me and I don’t like it.” Ian felt his frustration growing.
    “Well, I don’t like being treated like a whore.”
    “I have never treated you unkindly. You have no right to say
    “I never want to see you again. I pity the poor woman you
start dating. You’re nothing but slime, Ian. Slime.” The phone clicked loudly
in Ian’s ear.
    “Damn!” Ian went to the wet bar and poured a healthy shot of
scotch. He hated fighting but he knew Jen had been hell bent into railroading
him into something he didn’t want. Where did she get this idea? Ian then
thought of Sam. Would she act like Jen? He mulled it over for quite a while. No,
she wouldn't. First off, she had said no casual sex, and Ian knew she meant it.
Second of all, he couldn’t see Sam as clingy. She had an independent streak to
her he admired. But they had plenty of differences too, but that’s what made
her attractive to Ian. No, he didn’t know Sam well, but from what he did know,
he liked her. What would she say if he told her about Jennifer? Would she not
trust him then? He needed to talk to someone because Jen had made him feel
lousy. Women! Ian glanced at his watch and noted the time. He quickly made a
few phone calls, but still couldn't switch his reservation. Damn! He hopped
into the shower, changed clothes and went downstairs to the bar. His eyes lit
up with relief when he saw Jordan sitting at the bar.
    “Hey, Ian.” Jordan waved him over to the bar. “I’ll let Sam
know where we are.”
    “Give her some time. I need to talk to someone.” Ian slumped
on the stool next to Jordan.
    “It’s not Sam? Is she bugging you?” Jordan looked concerned.
    “Not at all. I can’t say enough nice things about Sam.” Ian
ordered a drink and then turned to Jordan. “Am I a prick? Tell me honestly.”
    “Damn, what brought that on?” Jordan looked at his friend,
waiting for an explanation.
    “Women. I’ve been seeing this chick at home, maybe for about
a year. Ran into her at a bar and we started talking. She likes to surf and
rock climb like me. We start making arrangements to go places. Next thing is
the sex. She says she’s not looking to settle down, and neither am I. She
starts to come over every day and hang out. She’s cool, but I don’t love her,
you know?”
    “Bro, you don’t have to go any further,” laughed Jordan. In
his best female voice, Jordan mimicked, “Why don’t we move in together? Don’t
we have something special?”
    “How did you know?” said Ian astonished. “I mean, that’s
happened to you?”
    “Way too many times for me to count. It’s why I’m single.” Jordan
stretched his long legs out into the aisle and smiled at Ian.
    “Man, it’s

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