Play for Me

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Book: Play for Me by Lois Kasznia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lois Kasznia
Tags: Romnace
like where do they come up with these things?” Ian
shook his head. “I’ve always been upfront and honest with her, and then she
twists everything around.”
    “How old is she?” asked Jordan.
    “I don’t know.” Ian looked genuinely confused. “I never
asked. I guess maybe thirty or something?”
    “That’s pretty bad,” said Jordan with a smile. “I bet it's
her biological clock ticking.”
    “My luck.” Ian shrugged his shoulders. “She's just a friend.
I think I remember more about meeting you than I did her.”
    “Women are sensitive about that,” explained Jordan. “I
should know. Between my sister and my mother…”
    “Bunny. Sam told me.” Ian couldn’t let that one pass.
    “Bunny is quite the character,” said Jordan ruefully. “She’s
got my dad wrapped around her fingers so I know all of the little female wiles
she uses to get her way. Thank goodness, Sam is nothing like her mother. I mean
they look like they could be sisters, but they are poles apart when it comes to
their personalities. Sam is a straight shooter. Calls them like she sees them. The
guy she ends up with will be lucky.” Jordan smiled while looking into his beer.
“I guess that’s my problem. I want my woman to be just like Sam.”
    “Yeah, I know what you mean. I’ve only known her for a
couple of hours, and she’s a really nice person.”
    “She’s my sister.” Jordan smiled but it didn’t reach his
eyes. “Anybody who would hurt her, I’d kill them.”
    “Even Jett?” Ian had to know.
    “Even Jett,” confirmed Jordan. “Speaking of Sam, there she
is.” Jordan turned his head to greet her.
    “You two started without me?” Sam came up to them from
behind and laid her hand on Jordan’s shoulder. “I have been standing in the
lobby waiting and waiting, and then I thought maybe they’re in the bar?”
    “Sorry, punk,” said Jordan affectionately. He stood up and
whistled at Sam. “You get prettier and prettier every day.” He admired her
sundress and three inch high heeled sandals. She really had grown up.
    “Stop it, and I’m not a punk.” Sam gave Jordan a quick hug and turned to Ian.
    “Hey, long time no see. I’ll take a glass of chardonnay.” Ian
offered her his seat and Sam comfortably slid in next to Jordan. “So, what urgent business were you talking about?”
    “Guy stuff,” said Jordan lightly. “So, where does everyone
want to eat?”
    “You were talking about women, Jordan. I know you better. Who’d
you dump now?”
    “You think it's me?” Jordan pretended to be hurt.
    “I don’t.” Sam smiled at both Ian and Jordan. “I'm fishing.”
She then focused in on Ian. “It’s the blonde hostess, Nikki, right?” Sam loved
flirting with Ian.
    “Who?” asked Ian, trying to focus on the conversation. Sam
looked downright delectable and he fought really hard not to take her in his
arms and kiss her.
    “The blonde from last night. Nikki. She had quite the crush
on you.”
    “Her? She’s not my type at all.” Ian waved his hand
dismissively. “I gave her card to Jett.”
    “So, I’m going to be seeing her again?” groaned Sam.
    “Can someone tell me what’s going on?” demanded Jordan totally confused.
    “Nikki is the hostess at the bar,” explained Sam. “She
couldn’t wait to get her hands on Ian.”
    “After the waiter spilled wine on Sam’s skirt,” began Ian.
    “Not again, Sam.” Jordan shook his head. “Sam has a penchant
for trouble. Never a dull moment in her life.”
    “Stop!” Sam took a drink of her wine. “So, what’s for
dinner? Ian and I had Mexican this afternoon, so that’s out. How about Italian?”
    “La Dolce Vita,” both Ian and Jordan cried.
    “Even I know that’s one of the most popular restaurants. Don’t
you need an invitation or reservation to get in?” Sam stared at her brother.
    “Hey, give me some credit.” Jordan finished his drink and
Ian paid their bill.
    “Aren’t you Jordan Stevens?” A young man dressed in

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