Play for Me

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Book: Play for Me by Lois Kasznia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lois Kasznia
Tags: Romnace
a grungy
tee shirt walked up to Jordan. “Man, I love your music. You’re the best. Can I
have your autograph?”
    “Sure,” said Jordan easily and he signed a napkin with his
    “As your little sister, I’m impressed,” said Sam.
    “And this is how we’re going to get into the restaurant.” Both
Ian and Sam followed Jordan outside, where they caught a cab. After much
negotiating, Jordan landed them a table and Sam tried not to gape at all the
celebrities who were eating there.
    “Jordan, isn’t’ that John Travolta and Danny DiVito?”
whispered Sam excitedly.
    “Yup, that’s them,” said Ian laughing at Sam. “You better
get used to this working with Jett, in case he ever takes you out.”
    “Okay,” said Sam trying to regain her composure. “Are you
making fun of me?”
    “No, not at all,” laughed Ian. “It’s refreshing to see a
real person in the land of plastic.”
    “Jordan Stevens, my man. How goes it?” A familiar figure
approached them.
    “Jeff? Doing good.” Jordan heartily shook hands.
    “What brings you here?” asked Jeff.
    “Hanging for a couple of days before I tour. Helping out
here and there,” explained Jordan.
    “Want to jam a little later on? A few of us are getting
together,” said Jeff.
    “Cool. Same place? I’ll be there,” replied Jordan.
    “Yup,” said Jeff as he looked at Sam intently and then at
Jordan. “Is that your sister?”
    “My baby sister, Samantha.” said Jordan proudly. “You should
hear her play.”
    “Jordan stop,” hissed Sam and turned to Jeff. “Pleased to
meet you, Mr. Beckett.”
    “Then why don’t you stop by, too?” asked Jeff.
    “We’ll see,” said Sam, feeling her face turn beet red.
    “Sam’s a little shy, but once she gets going, she’s great.” Jordan
gave Sam a brotherly hug.
    “Well then I look forward to hearing you. Later.” Jeff
turned to Sam. “Nice to meet you.”
    “Likewise,” said Sam with a fake smile plastered on her
face. She watched Jeff retreat before she addressed Jordan. “Jeff Beckett? You
just asked me to jam with the Jeff Beckett? Are you nuts?”
    “It’ll be a good learning experience,” said Jordan ignoring
Sam’s theatrics.
    “You didn’t say you played professionally,” said Ian in awe.
    “I don’t.” said Sam between clenched teeth. She took quite a
large sip of her wine.
    Jordan looked up at Ian with an explanation. “Sam is
probably just as good as I am, but she freaks out when she has to play in front
of anyone. She kind of goes blank.”
    “Kind of blank?” retorted Sam. “Try fainting, as well.”
    “I used to have that problem, too. But then I thought of them
without having any clothes on and that seemed to work.” Ian swirled his drink
and smiled at Sam.
    “Naked?” Sam looked at Ian suspiciously. “You show someone
your house designs and you picture them naked? Is that why you have all those
women clients on your phone?”
    “What’s this about?” asked Jordan as he watched the
expression on Ian's face.
    “Sam and I have the same phone and we exchanged numbers. She
peeked at my list even though I didn’t look at hers.” Ian frowned.
    “Because I don’t have any.” Sam shook her head. Men.
    “She’s right, you know. Sam scares away all men,” Jordan
baited Sam.
    “You know, Jordan. You can be such a pain in the ass.” Sam
glared at her brother.
    “Do you two always bicker like this?” Ian couldn’t help but
    “We haven’t seen each other in a while,” explained Jordan. “We’ve
got some catching
    up to do.” He turned to Sam. “Did you bring your guitar?”
    “No,” said Sam confused. “Why would I bring my guitar?”
    “You’re in Los Angeles. You had an interview with Jett. I
told him you knew how to play guitar.”
    “That’s not what he hired me for.” Sam looked at her menu,
not seeing a thing. Thoughts of killing her brother crossed her mind. She could
see the headlines now.
    “It’s okay,” said Jordan

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