
Read Online Plastic by Sarah N. Harvey - Free Book Online

Book: Plastic by Sarah N. Harvey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarah N. Harvey
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shake my head.
    â€œI’m pissed that I didn’t see Mike get arrested. That must have been so awesome. He’s such a tool.”
    â€œYou think Mike’s a tool?” Didn’t everybody—especially girls—think Mike was a god?
    She nods. “A high iq doesn’t make you a great guy, you know. What you do with it is more important. And Mike’s iq is just a waste. You’re better than that.”
    â€œI am?”
    â€œDon’t make me punch you,” my best friend says.

Chapter Fourteen
    From: Daisy Frobisher
    To: Jack Conroy
    Sent: June 25, 2009
    Subject: Thank you
    Hi Jack,
    I wanted to let you know I’m going home— back to Toronto to go to school. Yeah, I know—surfer-girl Daisy is kind of my alter ego. Fun for a while, but it’s time to get real. Which means school and student loan debt, etc. My folks say I can stay with them. They’re actually pretty cool—kinda like your mom and dad. I’m going to finish my degree in environmental studies. Only two more years. And then maybe a master’s after that. There’s a great co-op program here—maybe I can swing a co-op job out west. Come see you guys. Anyway, I wanted you to know how much you inspired me. I’m serious. When I saw how passionate you were about the whole plastic surgery thing, I just looked at Mike and asked myself what I was doing with him. He’s a good guy, but sooooooo unfocused. Wish me luck and stay in touch. Or I’ll see you on the news! LOL! XO Daisy
    From: Mike Conroy
    To: Jack Conroy
    Sent: June 28, 2009
    Subject: Aloha, Baby Bro
    Sorry I didn’t say goodbye, buddy. I had to split—therapy’s just not my scene. And that Roberta chick? Scary. Mom and Dad were so freakin’ intense about the whole thing. Tell them I’m sorry about the money. I’ll pay it back. You should get your bony white ass out here sometime. Tons of chicks even hotter than Daisy, lots of awesome parties. Gotta run. My minutes are almost up. Later. Mike
    From: Jared Conroy
    To: Jack Conroy
    Sent: August 1, 2009
    Subject: Miss you guys
    Hope things have calmed down out there. Mom told me Mike took off. I’m not surprised, but I’m worried about your mom. She really hoped Mike would stick around, get his act together. Maybe next time, right? It’s super hot and humid here. No air conditioning— just a big lazy ceiling fan. Tomorrow we’re hiking into some village in the hills. Wish me luck. I know hiking’s not your favorite thing, but I’d love it if you came to visit me sometime. Maybe when I go to Norway next year. I promise—no camping, no hiking, no outhouses. You could bring a friend along— someone to hang out with when I have to work. Think about it. Write when you can and take care of your mother. Love, Dad
    From: Paula Morgan
    To: Jack Conroy
    Sent: August 15, 2009
    Subject: Internship
    Dear Jack,
    I am writing to offer you a part-time student internship at VTV this fall. This is a new program, aimed at giving students such as yourself— motivated, intelligent, passionate—a chance to get some hands-on experience at a television station. You would be able to use your hours at the station as a credit in Media Studies. I have already cleared this with the principal at the Warren Academy. Ideally, I would like you to spend at least ten hours a week at the station or out in the field with reporters, videographers, etc. The position (which pays just above minimum wage) would start in the third week of September and run through until June. Please let me know if you are interested. All the best,
Paula Morgan
    From: Jack Conroy
    To: Leah James
    Sent: August 15, 2009

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