Whatever they threw at her, she’d accept with grace. It would be impossibly difficult to say goodbye. Even harder to give up on the fantasies that had kept her company for the last year, but she’d have no choice.
She was strong. She could do this.
It didn’t stop her hand from shaking so hard she had trouble ringing the bell.
Levi answered, looking delicious. Barefoot, he wore a sky-blue T-shirt that clung to his beautiful shoulders and did amazing things to his eyes, and denim shorts she could only assume had once been full-length jeans. They were faded to white in some patches and ended just above the knee in frayed stringy bits.
“Chels,” was his casual greeting.
“Levi.” She nodded in return and hoped he couldn’t hear the deafening roar of her heart.
“You came.”
She handed him the note. “I was summoned.”
His lips twitched. “Invited as opposed to summoned.”
“Okay then. I was invited. Do I get to come inside, or are we going to chat on the doorstep?”
Levi leaned one gorgeous shoulder against the door frame. “Depends.”
“On what?”
“On whether I get a hello kiss or not.”
Her eyebrows about hit her hairline. “You want a kiss from me?”
“You want to come inside?”
Chelsea thought she might faint. From both the shock of his suggestion and the need to carry it through. “I don’t know, Levi. Do I?”
“Give me a kiss, and then you can decide.”
Completely out of her depth and at a loss for what to do next, Chelsea followed her heart and stepped closer. In her running shoes, she’d been several inches shorter than Levi. Now they stood at the same height, thanks to her heels.
She pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
He hadn’t shaved, and his five o’clock shadow rasped against her lips, making her pussy clench. Was there anything sexier or more masculine than an unshaven cheek?
Levi shook his head in mock horror. “Call that a kiss?”
“What would you call it?” How she managed to hold a conversation was beyond her.
“An insignificant peck on the cheek. This...is a kiss.”
Levi wrapped her in his arms, molded his lips to hers and laid claim to her mouth with his tongue.
Chelsea melted into a puddle of goo where she stood. Her knees wobbled, her heart raced and goose bumps rose over her arms. As for her clenching pussy…it almost had an orgasm on his front doorstep.
He released her long moments later, leaving her breathless and unsteady.
“See?” he asked with his trademark easy grin. Only the heat in his eyes belied his casual tone. “Peck versus kiss. Big difference.”
Partly because she couldn’t resist and partly to prove a point, she ground her hips against his, pressing herself close to his straining erection. “ Big being the key word here.” At least he wanted her. Whatever else he might be thinking, his body told her in no uncertain terms the passion that had flared between them the other morning was still there—as bright and breathtaking as it had been at Centennial Park.
“And getting bigger every second,” he muttered. “Keep doing what you’re doing.”
She stepped back. “On your front doorstep? For all your neighbors to see? I don’t think so.”
“Then you’ve answered your earlier question. Come on inside.”
He stepped aside to let her in. Well, he kind of stepped aside. More like he angled his body, giving her just enough space to squeeze past him, ensuring every inch of one side of her body touched every inch of one side of his.
She was an aroused mess by the time she made it into the house. The hand that landed on her lower back, just above her ass, didn’t help matters at all.
“Straight ahead and to the right.”
With the way his palm burned through her dress as he guided her, she may as well have been naked. And when she stepped into his lounge room, that feeling of exposure only increased. Especially as the first thing she saw was Spencer, sitting on the couch watching her approach.
His gaze burned
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