Party of Three (Sunday Night Dinner Club #1

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Book: Party of Three (Sunday Night Dinner Club #1 by Jess Dee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jess Dee
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next chapter.”
    Spencer looked at him in surprise. “You’d write me into Willful ?”
    “If you die a particularly nasty death?” Levi nodded. “Yeah.”
    Spencer’s eyes got misty. “Seriously, Barr-o? You’d do that? Give me a starring role in your book.”
    “It’s not a compliment, asshole.”
    “Yeah. It is. I’d get to be part of a USA Times bestselling book.”
    “A dead part. And it’s New York Times , not USA, asshole.”
    “I’ll take any part. You’re the best, man. A true friend.”
    “Can’t say the same about you. You fucked my girl.”
    “I did, didn’t I?” He took a long, slow drink. “And it was awesome. Ten out of ten. You should try it sometime.”
    “Yeah, I fucking should.” Levi sought solace in the depth of another beer.
    For a long time, neither man spoke. Spencer stared at his bottle again, as though it held the answers to the world’s problems, and Levi timed how long it took to finish another can. Or he tried to anyway, but by the time the first sip was swallowed, he’d forgotten what his watch had said when he started it.
    “Know what would be the ferpect solution?”
    Levi looked at his friend through one eye. The other was blurring. “Ferpect?”
    Spence nodded. “Uh-huh.”
    “Go ahead.” He attempted to gesture generously, but his arm was too damn heavy to lift. “Tell me.”
    “If we both fucked her. At the same time. Me on one side. You on the other and Chelsea between us.”
    Levi closed his eye. Pointless leaving it open, because it had gotten all blurry too. He yawned hugely and slouched down in the couch. “And that what be a ferpect solution?”
    “Yeah, mate.” Spencer’s voice sounded like it was coming from a million miles away. Maybe it was. “It would be fucking perfect.”


Chapter Five
    Chelsea cast an anxious eye at the front door, wondering if she had the nerve to get out of her car and ring the bell. She was a mess. A confused, aroused, hormonal mess, and she had been for the last two days.
    Had forty-eight hours ever gone by so slowly before? The time since Spencer had methodically cleaned up, pulled on his clothes in her office and packed away his computer had dragged on.
    He hadn’t ignored her exactly. No, he’d taken the time to explain the forms were almost complete and he’d get them finished and sent off to the tax man, ASAP.
    He’d kept his word, emailing her the next day to say the forms had been submitted. But that was all he’d said the entire time.
    He hadn’t responded at all when she’d finally found the wherewithal to speak about Levi. He also hadn’t stayed for the dinner she’d prepared for him, which was ridiculous really, because the meal could well have been Chelsea’s best accomplishment ever.
    Could have been, but she’d never know, since her appetite had died the second Spencer’s back had stiffened when she’d brought up Levi’s name. Her lunch customers, however, had thoroughly enjoyed the lamb, rosemary and mint pie special the next day.
    See? She was a mess. She couldn’t even keep her mind focused on one idea. Her thoughts bounced around like tennis balls—and mostly came to rest on Levi, Spencer or both of them.
    She hadn’t heard from Levi either, but then what had she expected? She’d kissed one and told him she wanted the other, then fucked the other, and told him she wanted his best friend.
    What else could she have done? Lying hadn’t been an option. Honesty had always been her best policy. Her only policy.
    Any woman in her right mind would quit while she was ahead. She’d appreciate that she’d had the opportunity to taste Levi’s tantalizing kisses, and she’d relish the memory of Spencer’s gifted mouth and body—and the three or four thousand orgasms he’d given her. Then she’d assign it all to her past and move on.
    But not Chelsea. Oh no. She had to go and obsess about the men she’d desired for a year, had for a day and then, quite devastatingly, lost

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