Original Souls (A World Apart #1)

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Book: Original Souls (A World Apart #1) by Kyle Thomas Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kyle Thomas Miller
this incident as an excuse to exert and abuse their power. They'll likely turn the issue on its head and use it as propaganda to justify their own jobs. There have been talks lately of change in the air, drastic change. The media simply reports as instructed by the Council, but things have been coming apart lately. Especially where I’ m from.
    I stood at the gold topped railing, with its silver spiral bars that attached it to the ground. The railing spanned the length of the entire bridge, which was the length o f — well, the whole darn planet. I took another peek over and absorbed more of the breath taking view. Seeing the skyline of all eight Worlds from this high waswonderful. The view does n’ t allow you to fully see all eight Worlds, but Draconia does sit just beneath this portion of the earth spanning bridge. So as usual, I'm staring at my own blue-eyed kinsman's below. Just above my head, in the sky are blues, yellows, orange, and gold hues streaming through the clouds. They meshed in such a way that it created the picture perfect illusion that nothing was ever wrong with any of these divided nations. Nature is so peaceful, it makes me wonder why its inhabitants don't reflect that tranquil anomaly. It would appear that peace is not in human nature. A working, more so fighting, attitude is what we possess in a higher resolution. I suppose i t’ s all some grand scheme about survival of the fittest. Though as I gaze at this molten skyline high above, overlooking the towns and cities of the Worlds within my eyes' range, I can't help but wonder what the y’ d all look like without continuous conflict.
    The sun was dawning, peeking out through the clouds. I ca n’ t believe how quickly the hours were flying by. It felt like only seconds ago Julia was in my arms. But the sight tells me otherwise. A carefree bird flew overhead. Off to start its routine day, likely free of consequence. Unlike the dove in the distance, I am in a very peculiar and dark situation. I have almost no recourse to contact Julia. None I can think of without her Letra de Tesoro.
    While pondering, out of the corner of my eye, something caught my sight, grabbing it hard. Something enticingly shining as the sun began its trek across the morning sky. I had to cross the bridge to get over to whatever it is tha t’ s catching so much light. I walked away from the gold and silver railing, stepping down off the brass metal sidewalk and into the cobblestone roads. These roads were especially beautiful in the daylight. Mostly because of the tiny specks of gold and silver pixie dust that sparkled when given attention from the sun's rays. I thought for a second that maybe that's all I had noticed, just the streets shining in the light because of the angling of the sidewalk in proportion to the road. Then it gleamed again. Like a beacon of light guiding me to its place, it began to blink off and on every few seconds. It was in a fixed position on one of the support pillars that rose high above the Puente del Cielo. These support beams for the bridge are made of marble, so this gold little light flickering on it stood out quite a bit. I reached the other sidewalk, and as I stepped up onto the curb, the little gold light suddenly stopped blinking.
    I walked over to it, hunched over, and gently rubbed my hand over it. Slowly, I discerned the markings at the center. I realized that it was a keyhole. Just a small little keyhole in the bottom center of this large support pillar for a bridge constructed over one-hundred and fifty years ago. Why? Tha t’ s the first thought that came to mind. This couldn't have been here when the bridge was built.
    Then I started to put the message together, because that message spoke to me. Literally, the keyhole starting turning and the mechanism inside projected a holographic image. The image flickered in front of me, as I was jostled back by the sudden outpour of lights. It uttered a single phrase. "Insert

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