Original Souls (A World Apart #1)

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Book: Original Souls (A World Apart #1) by Kyle Thomas Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kyle Thomas Miller
key, please," the computer generated female voice stated firmly.
    The video instruction seemed somewhat unnecessary, even redundant. But whoever designed it wanted it to be perfectly clear what was expected of the key holder. Julia was always the biggest micro manager kind. She probably thinks this type of set up is spelled out perfectly. No ambiguity. She didn't like when things weren't absolutely certain. I guess that's why I'm here after all. If she were more optimistic, she would have never broke the law like she did.
    The video and computer voice started up again. I got up and began pacing about the bridge's sidewalk in front of it. I wondered what my next move should be. While I thought, I noticed something interesting in the video. I took a closer look at the instructional tape and saw that the key that the computer voice was referring to is a llave. Why would there be an image of a llave going into some random lock? That's not their purpose. They're for wielding magik. They replaced wands decades ago, and keys for doors are an out dated technology. Maybe that keyhole has actually been there since the bridge was built?
    After a few more seconds of pacing I started to put it all together. Julia's need for absolute certainty and the llave in the picture. The fact that she chose the Puente del Cielo as her place to create her new World, without me, of course. And lastly, the blinking beacon that lead me over here. Had Julia left a secret message here specifically for me? It would appear so. The video message kept playing over and over again, with the voice asking for a key to be inserted. While I watched the video for the millionth time, I realized the key, the llave being inserted into the lock, i t’ s my llave. I t’ s a hologram replica, but sure enough I recognize all intricate spells engraved on it. I knew Jules wouldn't simply leave me hanging. She wanted me to able to see my son. Perhaps even rethink my decision and position in all of this.
    Still, her need to be certain is getting in the way of my initial plan. She wants me to sacrifice my llave in exchange for letting me into her World, where she is all powerful, because she is its creator. Why such a tactic, since she does have absolute power in a world of her design. She must still be weak from using the spell that invoked all this chaos. She wants insurance for my visit. She wants to make sure she has the upper hand in case something goes awry. I can't blame her. She used all that power to create this World and became a fugitive in the process. She wouldn't want it to collapse just as quickly as it came to be.
    That's why this act is so very illegal. To create a new World would destroy most, but anyone who could manage it would be a potential threat to the eight Worlds already established. The massive power drove all but one of the Great Eight into madness. Even wielders of magik as powerful as they couldn't manage this kind of power. All the wars of the past are because of this simple fact; with great power, comes a great deal of responsibilities. If you neglect those responsibilities, the entire system will collapse on you. That's what happened to the Great Eight, except Aurora. Why would it not happen to Julia too? If Julia can be like Aurora then she just might have a fighting chance. So, if she needs me to come to her defenseless and humble . . . then I guess tha t’ s what I’ m going to do.
    I quickly inserted my llave into the keyhole that still played the instructional recording. I turned the lock that would open an entirely new world of wonder to me. A portal began opening up as the gold locking mechanism shifting inside, like a self-deconstructing maze. The metals inside clicked and clanked against themselves and the entire wall of the pillar opened up from its center. The marble started to diverge in opposing directions. While the wall split into two separate parts, I heard a voice calling from the other side.

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