Original Souls (A World Apart #1)

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Book: Original Souls (A World Apart #1) by Kyle Thomas Miller Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kyle Thomas Miller
is the Letra de Tesoro?" the soft but robotic voice inquired. I didn't expect that question, considering Julia hadn't left any clues to what the treasured letters could be.
    I shouted back to the woman with the soft robot voice, "I don't have the Letra de Tesoro, I haven't been told what it is!"
    "You may not enter without that information, it is forbidden," said the dark figure shrouded in the white and gold lights radiating from the other side of the entrance.
    I got angry. I wanted this riddle to be done now. "I don't know the pass code, but my son's in there, lady, and I need to see hi m … now!!!" She ignored me, and turned away. I shouted that just before the splitting pillar started to close back up, attempting to reform a single structure.
    Without thinking, I crazily jumped into the portal, but some mysterious force started repelling me as soon as I did. With my llave already gone through the lock, I had no way to push back. I was vertically hanging from a grove that was a part of the untwisted locking mechanism. I was halfway inside of a closing wall in the middle of a bridge in the sky, when I finally realized that Julia is smarter than I am. As if me being a cop, and her being a doctor hadn't already said it all. Well, why sell myself sort, I am a specialist in my field of work. Well, I was a specialist. But the only stupid thing about Julia, is that she still thinks that I'm half as intelligent as her.
    The dark figure from the other side turned back. "You must let go, sir, or else your hands will be crushed by the resealing of the Pillar of Corinthia."
    Tell me something I don't know, lady, I thought to myself. This mystery wind force trying to push me away started to intensify. They really didn't want me in that World without that pass code. The split pillar was close to reforming and my hands were slipping from the edges. She called this wall, the Pillar of Corinthia. Maybe that's the Letra de Tesoro?
    "The Pillar of Corinthia, that's the pass code ... right?" I yelled to the mystery lady, but she wasn't biting.
    "No, you are mistaken," she informed me with audible sadness in her tone. It seemed like she wanted me to get across this boarder.
    I had to think. Julia would never put me in this type of situation without all the right pieces to the puzzle. There has to be an easy way to put together a clear picture. What could the Letra de Tesoro possibly be? One of her favorite words or something similar?
    "Shut up, Criston, just shut up!" I said to the lady, but she didn't budge. "You're wrong . . . you're an idiot . . . I love you . . . I hate you!" I kept shouting out all the most common things Julia ever said to me. But the lady continued speaking her ominous phrases.
    "You are losing time," her composure had returned. "You must say the required phrase or forever be banned from Corinthia," she informed me with less compassion in her robot voice than earlier. "Use that which was given to you ... Criston," she said with a confusing sense of urgency.
    Because of her tone, I looked up from the ground, where my head hung low, trying to keep the winds out my face. I twisted sideways, where I witnessed the beginning of the end of me. Both sides of the wall were creeping up against the edges of my fingernails. I could feel them grinding against my nails. Just a sliver of space left to see the mysterious lady. She was nearly gone from sight. The wall crept closed very slowly, but wasn't stopping to wait for me to let go. I could see the blood running down my arm as the two edges that opened up inside this pillar started to inch steadily closer, back into one wall. They would crush my fingers whole if I don't come up with the correct pass code.
    The lady told me to use what was given to me. This is my last shot before my fingers are permanently severed from my hands. The sides are too close to let go any longer. I will either be maimed or allowed inside. I cried out in

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