One Day His (The Someday Series Book 2)

Read Online One Day His (The Someday Series Book 2) by Melanie Shawn - Free Book Online

Book: One Day His (The Someday Series Book 2) by Melanie Shawn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melanie Shawn
Tags: Romance, new adult
grace, her spine ramrod straight. “Jace and I just need to get dressed first.”
    Angelica eyes cut sharply to mine as she let an exaggerated surprise overcome her face at a clearly calculated pace. Damn, I couldn’t believe I’d ever thought she was a good actress.
    My mind was reeling at how in God’s name a woman this false, this phony , created someone as beautiful and real as Cat?
    “Jace? Oh, my, is this the Jace I’ve heard so much about? Oh, Kitty Cat, he is quite a delicious specimen! How in the world did you ever snag him ?”
    My eyebrows shot up. Her words felt like cold water being dumped on me. I mean, from what Cat had told me, I shouldn’t have been surprised that her mother would say those things, but still. It wasn’t just the words themselves which, although horrible, could have been played off as a lighthearted joke, which I was sure was what Angelica would have claimed if anyone called her on it. But the sharp edge of steel underneath them told a different story. She had meant it. She, Cat’s own mother, was actually telling Cat to her face that she wasn’t good enough for me .
    I was about to set her straight—at least on that. “Your daughter is the most—”
    Angelica interrupted me, continuing on with her monologue as if I hadn’t said a word. “Well, I guess it’s true what they say. Some guys like the nerdy type. The whole buttoned-down-librarian-with-glasses fetish thing must carry more weight than I’d thought. I’d be careful though, Cat. It’s usually a phase or a novelty. Guys who look like Jace…” She stepped closer and trailed a long, red fingernail down my bicep. I immediately jerked my arm away like she’d burned it, but she continued as if nothing had happened. “Well, let’s just say when they settle down, it’s usually with someone a little more in their league, so to speak.”
    I looked at Cat, half expecting her mouth to be hanging open in shock, but the expression I saw on her face was nowhere even close to surprise. If I’d thought my heart was broken before, now it was annihilated. While Cat was able to keep her features neutral, her eyes were a different story. They were resigned, defeated, and hollow. Although she was still standing up straight and dignified, her shoulders had slumped just a little. She was deflated.
    My gaze cut back to the woman that had caused Cat to be in that state. As Angelica stared at her daughter, I saw a flash of triumph in her eyes that told me she’d seen the same thing I had.
    Anger poured through me like a flash flood. Fisting my hands at my sides, I tried to calm the rage roaring through me. I had never in my life been tempted to hit a woman, and I’d been dealing with Natalya for the last fifteen years, but right now, I had to forcibly pin my arms against my ribs, fighting against every impulse in my body. Logically, I knew that violence was not the answer. Unfortunately, I’d been trained, from the time I was a child, to act on instinct, and that behavior had only been reinforced during my time in the military.
    Cat’s mother shook her head in disbelief as she said, “I guess even the ugly duckling gets a man, even if she never quite turned into the swan I’d hoped she would.” Angelica shrugged with studied nonchalance. “It’s still so disappointing, but what can I do. Just a little piece of friendly advice: don’t get too attached. There’s no way this lasts once the thrill of whatever fetish you fit into wears off. Anyway, put on some clothes and try to find something flattering.” Angelica shook her head, clearly trying to communicate utter and total disappointment, even making several tsking sounds before continuing, “It appears you’ve already put on the freshman fifteen. Then come downstairs. I need you to meet someone. Oh, and Jace can come, too.”
    Spinning dramatically to exit the room, Angelica’s robe fanned out as she crossed the room in long strides. Stepping into the doorway, she glanced

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