Forever Rain (Rain Will Fall Trilogy #1)

Read Online Forever Rain (Rain Will Fall Trilogy #1) by Cindy Lou Moldovan - Free Book Online

Book: Forever Rain (Rain Will Fall Trilogy #1) by Cindy Lou Moldovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cindy Lou Moldovan
about him if you like, Zoe.”
    I blew a long breath through the phone as I contemplated my response. “No. I will think about it. Thanks, Jenna, love you and say hi to David for me.” We chatted about my day at the hospital and her settling into married life. I hung up the phone as Mia came out of her room. I told her about the packages and she flipped out with excitement. Veronica had the same reaction when I told her. I texted Jordan.
    Thank you for the tickets. I love Shakespeare, as you must know. I’m not sure I can accept gifts from someone I don’t know, but it is a nice gesture. Regards, Zoe Caine.
    I pushed the send button and in less than a minute my phone beeped with an incoming text.
    Give me a chance to prove that we do have many interests in common, Jordan texted back.
    I smiled at his quick response, but wanted him to know I was not playing hard to get and was not one for playing games.
    I have a crazy, busy semester. Thank you for the kind thoughts. I will speak with my roommates tomorrow about attending the play. No need to send a car. Where can I return the other items?
    I was shocked at his response.
    I will send someone to meet you at Starbucks on your campus tomorrow afternoon. Will 4 p.m. work for you?
    I was little leery and responded with one word.
    I told the girls what I planned to do. Although disappointed, they were happy that I kept the three tickets.
    After class the next day, I walked to Starbucks. The heat was unbearable and I was sweating. Luckily, it was only a 5-minute walk from my lecture hall. Happy to slip into the cool air of the store, I got a cup of ice water and a cafe latte. I turned around to look for a seat when I spotted Jordan coming toward me. I stopped and simply stared at him. He was just as handsome as I remembered him to be. His long lean frame came toward me as those brilliant blue eyes took in my appearance.
    Suddenly I was aware of my worn jeans with holes on both thighs, my Nike tennis shoes, a grey Gap T-shirt, and my long hair sticking to my neck. There were two girls in front of me that were outright gawking at him but he is focused on me.
    “Here, let me help you with that.” His voice was low and maybe it’s just me, but I thought even just those few words were sexy. We were attracting attention now and I quickly took the seat at the table in the corner where he’d been sitting. I tried not to stare at his brilliant white shirt, grey tie and dark blue slacks. He must have discarded his suit jacket due to the heat of the day. He looked nothing like a college student. I briefly wondered what the other students were thinking of us.
    “I thought you were sending someone?” I asked, making it sound like a question. I was also a little annoyed since I was caught off guard meeting him again.
    “I’m sorry, Zoe. I just wanted the opportunity to meet you under different circumstances. Am I forgiven?” His piercing blue eyes look honest and I gulped down the cold water while thinking of an appropriate response.
    “So, why did you want to see me?” I asked. Since he went out of his way to seek me out, I felt that I needed some honest answers.
    “Can we take a walk?” His eyes scanned the room.
    “In this heat? It’s 95 degrees outside,” I said, as I had no intentions of strolling around campus unless I had to. I arched my brows and looked at him. He was smiling.
    “You are aware that you are drinking a hot beverage and it’s 95 degrees outside.” I wanted to argue with him but it made sense, so I scoffed and took another sip of the super-hot liquid. He took a sip of what appeared to be iced tea in his cup.
    “I’m addicted to their latte and I desperately need the caffeine,” I said in defense of my beverage of choice.
    “If I promise not to kidnap you or harm you in any way, would you feel comfortable with sitting in my car while we talk? I’ll keep the air on.”
    I twitched my lips from side to side while considering his

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