
Read Online Oceanborne by Katherine Irons - Free Book Online

Book: Oceanborne by Katherine Irons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Irons
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal
were engaged in the project. So his kind had protected their old places from the earth dwellers for many thousands of years.
    Orion laid her on a bed of dried kelp. Outside, the storm was receding. It was still daylight, but the water remained rough and he doubted that Elena would attempt to go back into those waves any time soon. He didn’t want to risk transporting her underwater, which meant that he’d have to find a boat. Why did nothing ever go as he planned? He should have been back at his duty station, meeting with his captains, planning action against Melqart and his shades. In his lust to possess Elena he’d nearly forgotten the murdered tourists and the consequences their killings set in motion.
    Sharing the same planet with humans and maintaining invisibility required constant vigilance. If the Phoenician war god was hunting these shores, the humans would be alarmed. They would fight back, and if they invaded the seas with their great ships and submarines, the Atlanteans would be in mortal danger. Better to seek out the murderers and deal with them quietly before the alarm was raised.
    He was a prince of the kingdom. Rarely did he allow his duty to be overshadowed by a whim. How many times had he warned his brothers against becoming involved with human females? And he had nearly fallen into the same trap.
    He was ashamed of himself. He still wanted her, but the madness had passed. He’d not take advantage of someone who’d saved his life. He’d see Elena safely back to land and forget that he’d ever laid eyes on her.

    A movement at the cave’s entrance caught Orion’s eye. His first instinct was to protect Elena, and he tensed, moving to block her from the intruder’s line of vision. Unsure if he should remain in his human guise or change back to his own form, he maintained his illusion and called out, “Come in out of the rain. It’s dry in here.”
    A familiar voice drained the tension from Orion’s shoulders. “A woman? We thought you were Melqart fodder and you’ve been dallying with a human female?”
    His twin strode into the cavern, a round shield slung carelessly over one arm. Rain and seawater dripped off his plumed battle helmet, bronze cuirass, and greaves. He had the look of a man newly come from battle, but his fresh wounds were quickly healing and the gleam in his eyes told Orion that Alexandros was more exhilarated than shaken by whatever had crossed his path.
    â€œYou picked a poor time to seek out forbidden company.” Alex’s keen eye had spotted Elena at once. And then he apparently realized that he hadn’t altered his appearance and he studied her more intently. “How far can you trust her?”
    â€œIt’s all right,” Orion said, coming to meet his brother with open arms. “She’s sleeping. And it’s not what you think. There’s been no dallying . I have her to thank for my life.”
    Alex made a sound of disbelief. “I can’t wait to hear the story.” And then his expression softened. “The shades have been hunting these waters.”
    â€œYou’re telling me. We tangled. You know about the German couple?”
    â€œNo, but others.” He clasped Orion in a crushing embrace, and this time, when he spoke, his voice couldn’t cover his emotion. “Brother. We believed you were with Sjshsglee.”
    â€œI was, but after we parted I ran into some trouble on the way back.” Orion quickly explained about his discovery of the dead tourists and his own confrontation with an overwhelming horde.
    Alex listened without interrupting, but something in his manner told Orion that something was terribly wrong. As an identical twin, Orion had often known what Alex was going to say almost before he did. He’d sensed trouble when Alex appeared, but this was something he didn’t want to hear, because it was bad and hearing

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