Will & Patrick Wake Up Married
significant look and adds, “Congratulations on your marriage. It’s certainly a surprise!”
    “You can say that again,” Will mutters.
    “I mean, a Vegas wedding. To someone who isn’t Ryan. Wow.”
    Will nods. It’s Healing. Everyone knows everyone’s business, and when he’d called to book the room, he’d made sure to do it as a couple, just in case the Molinaros are looking in on him. He needs to keep up appearances, but it’s still embarrassing that Beth, and soon everyone else, will find out about Patrick.
    She leans forward, blond hair falling in her face. “Does Ryan know?”
    He will soon.
    This gossip will spread like wildfire. Will’s got to tell his family first thing in the morning before they find out from anyone else. As for Ryan, well, what can he say to him? He doesn’t even know if he can look at him right now. What he wants most is for Ryan to take him into his arms, hold him close, and tell him everything will be all right. But Ryan hasn’t done something like that in a long time, and he sure as hell won’t do that now.
    Beth doesn’t seem too worried about the fact that Will’s married a stranger and brought him home, or that it’s over between him and Ryan. “Was it love at first sight?” she asks.
    “No,” Will answers just as Patrick leans against the counter and says, “Yes.”
    “Did you know each other at all ?”
    Will rubs his face. “Listen, Beth, I’m sorry, but we’re really tired.”
    “Oh, sure. I’m sorry. You should hit the sack.” She winks at him and then smiles brightly again. “But surely after your husband, uh…I didn’t catch his name?”
    Patrick stops rifling through the small bowl of red and white striped peppermints. “You can call me Dr. McCloud. I reserve Patrick for friends.”
    Will sighs.
    Beth is obviously perplexed, but, after a pause, she grins again. “Sure. Of course, Dr. McCloud.” A sappy romantic bloom returns to her cheeks as she rattles on. “Falling in love in Vegas? It’s like a story. Or a movie. Or a made-for-TV miniseries.”
    “More like an Adam Sandler film,” Patrick interjects.
    Beth finishes entering Will’s information into the computer and hands back his credit card. “You have to tell me everything soon, okay? How you met! What you were wearing! What he was wearing too! What you thought when you first saw each other!”
    “Sure,” Will says. Shoot me now.
    “What we were wearing ?” Patrick scrunches up his face.
    “Elopement is so dreamy. And kinda hot.”
    “So’s the sex.” Patrick wraps his arm around Will’s shoulders. “How much longer, Will, honey? I’d like to get back to that, actually.”
    Beth eyes go wide and bright, like Patrick just gave her the world on a platter. She gives Will the plastic keys to their room. “I’ve signed you up for the honeymoon breakfast. It’ll be delivered to your door at eight-thirty, unless you put out the Do Not Disturb sign.” She winks and then giggles. “In that case, they’ll bring it up whenever you want. Chocolate sauce for strawberries, heart-shaped muffins, and wonderful warm rolls with a custard filling.” She holds up her bare left hand. “Not that I’ve been lucky enough to eat it myself. I’m trying to talk Cody Elk Eagle into buying me a ring, though.”
    “You’re still young,” Will says. “Don’t rush it.”
    She breaks into a gale of laughter. “You’re one to talk!”
    The reminder of his new ring makes Will touch it with his thumb, spinning it, a surge of weird emotions coursing through him. He’d always thought it’d be Ryan’s ring residing there.
    “Chocolate sauce?” Patrick asks. “I can think of other things to dip in that.”
    Beth blushes as red as the Christmas bows lining the edge of the front desk.
    “ Patrick ,” Will grits out. He elbows him and turns on his heel, leading the way.
    Patrick’s thankfully silent on the ride up in the elevator, but as soon as they walk into the

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