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Book: Oceanborne by Katherine Irons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Irons
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal
Alex’s words would make it so.
    â€œWhat’s wrong?” Orion asked. “Not the king?” Their father had narrowly escaped death only recently at the hands of Caddoc and his mother. Only once before had Poseidon, high king of Atlantis, been toppled from his throne by treachery and what had followed had been a terrible civil war as his heirs fought for the crown. It was a tragedy that no Atlantean hoped to see again.
    â€œNo, not him. Nor any of our brothers or sisters.” Alex’s green eyes darkened to emerald and his features hardened. “Your mermaid.”
    â€œSjshsglee?” Orion shook his head. “That’s not possible. I left her only …” Memories flashed across his mind: her beautiful breasts, drops of water glistening on her blue-green scales … the sound of her laughter. A fist tightened in his gut. “You’re certain? It couldn’t have been another of her kind?”
    Alexandros shook his head. “I’m sorry. Her remains were identified by one of her sisters.”
    Black, smothering fury engulfed him, and Orion swore violently. His fingers tightened into fists. He wanted to smash the rock wall, throw himself on the cave floor and pound the crumbling stone, but he contained the rage, forcing it to a locked compartment inside him. Soon, he would free it, and that anger would lend power to his blood vengeance in combat.
    Instead, he pictured Sjshsglee as he had seen her last, lips red and swollen from his kisses, thick-lashed, blue eyes heavy-lidded with passion. She had meant more to him than a sexual playmate; she had been his friend for many centuries. Mermaids in general were vain, selfish creatures who thought of little but their own pleasures and could rarely be trusted, but she had been different. There had always been honesty between them, and he believed that she genuinely cared for him, as much as one of the mer folk could.
    â€œShe was a rare beauty with the voice of a fallen angel,” Alex said. “Many will miss her sweet songs.”
    Alex nodded.
    Orion exhaled slowly, trying to reason past the wrath that coursed in his head. “Why bother to kill a mermaid? They’re more fish than humanoid … of little use to Melqart. Her life force would provide him scant energy.”
    â€œYou know what shades are like. When the sea runs with blood, they destroy everything that crosses their path. It’s why we feared for you.”
    â€œYou think I’m so easily disposed of?”
    â€œApparently not.” Alex hugged him again. “I’m glad you’re not dead, twin. And since you’re not, we could use your help. We’re sweeping the area. If any remain, we want to make certain they will hunt here no more.”
    â€œThe pack that was off this island nearly finished me.” He motioned toward Elena. “Luckily, she appeared in a small boat and gave me a way out. She saved my life, and I owe her. But I give you my word I’ve broken no laws with her—at least no serious ones.”
    â€œShe didn’t see you as you are?”
    Orion shook his head. “No. I was going to swim to the mainland and fetch a boat for her. I can’t leave her. What if she went into the water?”
    â€œYou said you found the bodies of the Germans on this island. Are they still here?”
    â€œI buried them. It’s their custom.”
    â€œBut their families will never know what happened to them.”
    â€œNo.” Orion grimaced. “And now that you’ve told me of the other killings, I’m certain I did the right thing.” Absently, he massaged the back of his head. He’d been out of water far longer than was comfortable. He had the knack of remaining on land for days without suffering serious damage, but not without pain. He’d have a whale-size headache if he didn’t immerse his body in salt water soon.
    â€œWhy would

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