No Mercy
joint.  I wasn’t sure how that would affect a vampire, but I hunkered on the other side of the tree per Luke’s warning, not wanting to be sent to hell.
    When I turned away from the light show that was about to happen, I saw Sara on the ground dead ahead with something crouched over her.  Its mouth was open wide as if it were an incubus going to steal life force.  But hell, this wasn’t a lustful situation.  No, what I was seeing was either a demon eater or a soul taker.  Even though there was a fifty fifty chance Sara was a demon, there was also the other possibility.  Human.  Like Luke, I couldn’t live with myself if I let something take her soul.  Luke hadn’t yet lit up based on the darkness that still shrouded me. I turned to look around the tree and saw the inner glow beginning on his skin.  Those closest to him would be affected by now.  I still had a shot, a second or two maybe.  If I waited, Sara’s life would be over, demon or not.  There was a well placed ditch off to her side and I thanked the heavens if they were listening for my good fortune.
    Channeling my inner NFL player impression that worked earlier, I barreled down on a demon that had Sara’s lifeless looking body trapped underneath it.  It turned and before I could get an impression of its face it disappeared just when Luke went super nova on all of us.  My hands that had been primed for the demon now clasped Sara before I could stop my momentum. We rolled in the ditch just as the light beamed over head, cocooning us in a pit of darkness.
    Sara wasn’t moving and I was busy catching my breath and not from exertion.  I’d nearly met my maker and I wasn’t exactly dressed right for the meeting.  I found myself chuckling at my own humor or was that nervous laughter from my near miss.
    A second later, my hand went to Sara’s throat and not to kill her.  I checked and she had a pulse.  Too bad, no mouth to mouth, because that kiss earlier had been a doozie.  Sitting up, I cradled her in my arms.  “Luke,” I shouted from the ditch where I had a clear view into what had been a war zone. 
    His head whipped around like he was worried I hadn’t gotten away in time.  “Hell,” he said. His eyes focused on the girl in my arms.  Commanding like a chief, he said, “Get her back to the house, I’ll handle the rest here.”  I wasn’t his soldier, but we understood each other.  I had his back and wouldn’t leave if he needed me.
    While he surveyed the ground, I also caught sight of the wounded.  All the shifters seemed to have survived and no demons remained.  Luke’s little clean up show was perfect for our after war party.  Feeling a bit light on my feet, I knew I was still bleeding. If I didn’t stop it soon, I would need someone to carry us both home.  I moved with as much speed as I could muster.
    Relieved that I’d made it back to the house, I used my last bit of strength to carry Sara to my father’s bedroom on the lower level past the kitchen area.  With the twins upstairs, I just didn’t want to go there.  I didn’t have much strength at this very moment to do any mind scrubbing.
    Once I placed her on the bed, I collapsed on her other side.  My hand was bleeding bad. I think the damn vampire hit an artery.  If I’d been human, I would probably be dead by now.  Holding my hand up and propping it against the headboard, I only hoped the elevation would stanch the bleeding.  Not knowing how much blood I lost, I found myself drifting into blackness.

    Chapter Ten - Luke
    Chris was the only shifter to turn back human and stand before me. “Thanks for that.  Although we aren’t demons, that light of yours isn’t a picnic.”
    “Sorry about that,” I said.  I didn’t tell him that if he didn’t have any demon properties, that light would not affect him at all.
    Continuing, he said, “It looks like we are all okay.  And because we

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