No Mercy
heal better in animal form, we’re going back to the compound to rest up.  We will circle by your place in the morning after we’ve healed our wounded.”
    “Yeah,” I said shaking my head in agreement.  Watching Chris shift back so easily was odd. I’d heard tales about shifters and weres but seeing it was something to behold.  The shifters had such a smooth transition that didn’t look painful.  In opposition, I wouldn’t have wished lycanthropy on anyone.  Their shift, the weres, was really painful if rumors were true.
    After they trotted off, I did a sweep of the ground to make sure nothing was left.  Broken branches and a tree that had been stripped of bark were the only evidence of what went down here.  When my nose told me a lot of blood had been spilled in the direction Flynn had been, I followed the trail to investigate.  I couldn’t be sure a demon wasn’t left unaffected by my angel light. 
    What I saw was a heck of a lot of blood that led to the ditch Flynn found himself in.  That meant one of two things.  He or Sara was bleeding really bad or worse, they both were. 
    Just when I was about to take off to make sure my best friend and the fascinating girl were okay a leaf cracked like it had been stepped on. 
    On autopilot, I summoned my gift from within me and it began to leak out of me as I turned around.  My skin held the faintest glow when two humans kneeled before me.
    “Forgive us, my lord” they said in unison heads bowed on one knee.  My light tucked itself back inside my pores.
    Holy hell, these two did not think I was the second coming, did they. “Who are you?” I asked.
    The one on the left lifted his head. “I am Gaius, my lord.” His hair was a muddy brown color blending with the tree bark.  His face was sincere.  If I had to guess, he didn’t have trouble with the ladies.  “And this is Phebe,” he said, extending a hand out to his side.  A face too young and too innocent looked at me like I was God’s gift and that was creepy even for me.  Her hair was a mix of dark blond and light brown from what I could tell in the moonlight.  She had a sweet face that didn’t belong in these woods, holding a blade half her size. Her partner held a similar one.
    Gaius spoke up, “We saw your light.  We’ve been trailing the demon and its carnage all the way here. We didn’t expect,” he paused. “No, we never expect to come into your holy presence.”
    Oh, yeah, where was Flynn now.  He’d be laughing his ass off.  Shit, Flynn, he could be in trouble.  “Look, I don’t know who you think I am but I’ve taken care of things here.  You can go back home.”  I really wanted the little girl not to be fighting a battle she had no chance of winning.
    The girl in question finally spoke. “We’ve trained our whole lives for this.  It is our great honor to assist you in the enormous battle waged here on earth.  We will die to end demons who plague our cities and towns, one by one if we have to.”
    She sounded fiercer than she looked.  “And who is your leader?” I asked.  The question sounded funny coming from my lips but these two seemed to be dead serious.
    “An angel like yourself of course. His teachings have rallied us all.  We are positioning ourselves around the country for a strike for all mankind.” Her voice was childlike but the tenor was all fearsome.
    “I can be of service to you,” Gaius spoke again bowing his head in subservience.
    Phebe looked at me wide eyed. “I know this is wrong but I must say it.  I am in awe of your power and your beauty.  I too can be of service.”
    What they needed to do was live their lives.  Be in high school, go to college, and have a life.  Not all demons were bad, it wasn’t good to generalize.  I knew better than to mention that.  They’d been brainwashed for years.  A few words from me about good and bad demons weren’t going to erase

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