No Mercy
all of that.  So I did what I could.
    “Depart,” I found myself saying wondering if I stepped into the eighteenth century. “Do not dwell in this place.  It is safe.  Seek refuge and shelter for the night.  Find another place to be of good service.” And all that shit, I wanted to add. “Help the homeless and the hungry and do not trouble yourselves with demons.  Humans need help as well.”
    Okay, that sounded a little haughty but they nodded.  Getting to their feet, they gave me another quick bow.  Turning, they walked in the direction they’d come.  So my little speech I pulled from books and movies must have worked.  I would have to come out and search tomorrow for the pair just to make sure they’d heeded my instruction.
    With movement faster than the human eye, I lifted off into the air and zipped back to Flynn’s house not to waste anymore time.  Opening the door, I followed the trail of blood back to Flynn’s dad’s room.  There on the bed, he was still bleeding.  The sheets held a pool of blood and he looked too pale.  Shit, taking my healing hand, first I stopped the flow of blood.  Then, I sent out a wave of power to jump start his body to speed up the new blood cell production.  He would need water, but I turned to Sara first.
    Lying next to him like another living corpse, I rounded the bed to check her out.  She was breathing, but barely.  Crap, all this healing would wear me down.  I couldn’t only hope we wouldn’t have to fight again tonight.  With my hands, I touched her cool skin on either side of her head and sent power through her body.  Not knowing what was wrong, I couldn’t focus my power thus utilizing only what was needed.  She seemed to suck in a deep breath when I was done. 
    Feeling tired, I headed to the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of water from the fridge.  Heading back to the room, I uncapped it.  Pouring a little on Flynn’s face, he sputtered and I had to laugh.
    “Dude, you lost a lot of blood.  Drink this,” I said holding out the bottle.
    No quips back, I knew the guy was out of it.  I watched him drink down the whole bottle and collapse back on the bed.  “No you don’t,” I said, pulling him back to a sitting position.  You need to drink more water and find Adriana.   I didn’t have to say why.  He was an incubus and for him there was nothing like a little sexual healing.
    Helping the guy to his feet, once he was steady I sent him on his way.  The guy loved life, so I knew I didn’t have to remind him about the water and the other stuff.
    “Thanks man,” he said weakly, still on the pasty side.  He left and I heard the door on the refrigerator open and close.  Then, I listened to tentative footsteps on the stairs.  The place was quiet.  Maybe too quiet. 
    Looking at the bed, I scooped Sara off it.  She was still out of it.  Sitting her in the love seat in the room, I stripped the bed and hurried down the hall to put the blood soaked sheets in the wash.  I found Sara’s clothes there, something I’d forgotten about.  Not sure what else to do, I popped them in the dryer on a low setting although if they shrunk a little I wasn’t sure I would be upset by it.  Then using hot water and a soak cycle, I shoved the sheets in, thanking my mom for all the laundry lessons because they were paying off. 
    Superhuman, she’d balk, you still have to wear clothes and I’m not your maid.  Sighing, I hoped she was okay.
    Going back to the room, I put Sara back on the bed without sheets.  She didn’t have any or much blood on her from Flynn and I wasn’t sure how he managed that.  But I was tired.  Playing superhero, demigod, and housemaid took a lot out of a guy.  I couldn’t face the stairs.  Plus, Sara might wake in the night scared.  Or maybe, I just didn’t want to leave.  Whatever it was, I stretched out next to her and closed my eyes.

    Chapter Eleven –

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