Night Sins

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Book: Night Sins by Lisa Renée Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Renée Jones
    But Ethan didn’t do as she bid. Instead, she watched in horror as he bit his wrist, drawing blood. A second later, he was by her side, shoving his arm at her mouth. “Drink. We can’t wait until we’re trapped again. We need to act now.”
    She shook her head, curling her lips inward. What the hell was he thinking? She wasn’t a vampire. “Drink, Kayla. My blood is rich with power. Power you’ll need to survive this night.”
    She shook her head, refusing again.
    Ethan made a frustrated sound. “You said you trust me,” he said. “If that’s true, do as I ask now. I mean you no harm. You can sense that.”
    The front doors opened and shut. Kayla didn’t have time to process, only to trust. And trust Ethan she did. She drank long and deep, surprised that the taste didn’t make her gag. In fact, it was sweet and easy to swallow.
    The sound of someone messing with the back door said they were out of time. Ethan yanked his arm away from Kayla, leaving her to her own devices to free herself—clearly more confident than she that she could do so—and he moved toward the exit, preparing to attack.
    Kayla yanked at her ropes, amazed to find she could, indeed, break them, amazed to find how powerful she felt.
    As she tore the restraints away, the doors burst open and Ethan charged forward. Kayla quickly made her way to the edge of the van. She could see Ethan surrounded by a group of vampires a few feet away. Though he was holding his own and then some, he needed her help and he was going to get it. But before she could exit the van, Jac appeared, blocking her way.
    “Ethan’s a little busy right now,” he said, smiling. “But no worries. I’ll take care of you myself.”
    “You can try,” she said, grabbing a strap across the top of the van and kicking her feet at him. She slammed him in the chest and he stumbled backward.
    Not about to wait until he found his footing again, she jumped out of the van and landed in a squatting position, retrieving her knife from inside her boot at the same time. She dared a quick sideways glance at Ethan, noting he now battled only two vampires, having taken down several others. Nothing but old vacant warehouses surrounded them, and Kayla couldn’t place their exact location. The only positive thing about being in the middle of what appeared like nowhere was a lack of humans to worry about.
    Jac started to get up and she charged at him, hand wrapped around the handle of her weapon. Strong legs had always been a plus for Kayla, and they were even stronger now. She used them, kicking Jac again, relieved to see him land flat on his back.
    She caught a look on his face, too. A look that said he was as surprised as she was with her newfound strength, strength born of Ethan’s blood and of her own ability to funnel her enemy’s malice. And one thing was for sure: Jac had plenty of darkness in him to use to her benefit.
    Kayla dove at Jac, ready to go hand to hand with him, only to find herself lifted mid-air and pulled hard against a muscular body. “Not so fast.”
    Her heart skipped a beat. She knew the voice. It was Rigo. And she remembered what Ethan had said. Rigo had elder blood in him. He was the strongest enemy she had to face today. She didn’t want to give him the upper hand, and as long as he held her from behind, that was what he had. Her elbow landed solidly in his ribs but he didn’t budge. She followed that by planting her knife in the meat of his thigh muscle.
    He laughed. “I like pain.”
    Damn! Kayla’s blood was pumping, her adrenaline in overdrive. She had to get free. As if he sensed she was about to act, Rigo lifted her off her feet, carrying her with the ease of someone lifting a small child.
    Kayla screamed for Ethan, having no idea if he could hear her, half afraid she’d break his concentration and get him hurt. Worse, she could see Jac was getting to his feet. Now, she’d have Jac and Rigo to deal with at the same time. Jac she could

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