Night Sins

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Book: Night Sins by Lisa Renée Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Renée Jones
she was his mate, it was impossible. Both biologically and realistically. To be together would be a crime in both their worlds. Besides, his willingness to die in battle had always been an advantage. Being alone meant no one to worry about in life or death.
    Even the deaths of those women close to him hadn’t affected him as Kayla did. Yes, they upset him because he felt as if he’d created the women’s death sentences. But he was a warrior. He knew the evils of battle, the poison of the enemy. But Kayla was changing him. He couldn’t begin to think of her death, even in a mission of war, even knowing she was born into a life of battle.
    No. He wouldn’t see her die. No matter what he had to do, he wouldn’t let harm come to her. With that decision, he shackled her legs with his own bigger, stronger one, pulling her close even as he moved toward her.
    “What are you doing?” Kayla demanded, her soft curves now pressed to his body.
    “When a vampire drinks blood, he is stronger. I need to be stronger, Kayla.”
    Her face went pale. “What are you saying?”
    He stared into her eyes, hoping she would see and feel the good intentions in his actions. But he couldn’t give her time to debate his actions. Any minute, the van could stop, and the door would open.
    “Forgive me, little one,” he said, and he sunk his teeth into her neck. Their lives might well depend on him drinking of her. And being a Watcher, she would offer him more power than a human.
    Kayla stiffened beneath his bite, a gasp escaping her lips. Ethan stroked her back, telling her without words he meant her no harm. And she didn’t fight. Slowly, her body eased into his. Slowly, she gave him her trust.
    And he knew then, with her blood on his tongue, that Kayla was indeed his mate. Somewhere in her bloodline, she had a vampire ancestor. He closed his eyes, losing himself to the next few seconds, tasting the truth as it flowed through his veins. He felt her connection to him in his body, in his soul. But fate had played an evil trick on them. For he didn’t dare complete the three blood exchanges needed to fully mate. He could never fully claim Kayla.
    Kayla whispered his name, drawing him back to the present. Ethan reminded himself to be careful, not to drink too much. Though he no longer lived with the thirst, the taste of blood revived the hunger. And the taste of one’s mate set a male on fire. Ethan forced himself to pull away, to seal Kayla’s wound with his tongue.
    He pressed his forehead to hers. “I’m sorry,” he whispered.
    But she didn’t yell, didn’t complain. “Just tell me you can kick their asses now.”
    He laughed. He didn’t remember anyone ever making him laugh the way she did. “Yes. Now I can kick some ass.”
    She smiled. “Good. Because I really want to beat some vampire ass.”
    Ethan laughed at her outrageous comment. “As long as it’s not mine.”
    “Oh, we have some fighting to do, Ethan,” she said, leaning back to fix him in a reprimanding stare. Her eyes darkened. “Don’t take what isn’t given freely ever again.”
    He gave her a short nod. “You have my word.”
    “Good,” she said, seemingly satisfied. “But when this is over, there will be further conversation over what just happened.”
    “I certainly hope so,” he said, leaning forward to claim her lips. And though he merely brushed her mouth with his own, not daring to linger, he couldn’t help wondering how he would ever walk away from her.
    He knew he had no other choice.
    Kayla watched as Ethan yanked hard and broke the rope holding his arms over his head. “You weren’t kidding about being stronger now.”
    He didn’t respond but focused on ripping the ties from his wrists and tossing them aside. And just in time. The van pulled to a stop.
    “Oh crap,” Kayla murmured, her heart racing. She wanted to be free so she could fight. She didn’t have any plans to die this night, or anytime soon, for that matter. “Untie me.

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