Night Sins

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Book: Night Sins by Lisa Renée Jones Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Renée Jones
her, Watcher. Please.”
    With a frustrated sigh, she threw the knife away and took several steps backward. “Stand beside Ethan,” Jac ordered.
    She did as he said, not unhappy about her new position. Together, she and Ethan would be stronger. But she didn’t look at Ethan as she took her place by his side, afraid to take her eyes off their enemies.
    “Turn around,” Jac ordered, walking toward them, his eyes locking with Ethan’s. When neither of them moved, Jac raised his voice. “Turn around or the girl dies.”
    Ethan glanced at Kayla and gave her a tiny nod that said they really had no choice. Slowly, they did as they were told, moving in unison.
    “Put your hands on the wall,” Jac ordered.
    Kayla and Ethan did as they were told. They stood there, hands before them, eyes locked. She could see his mind racing with potential escape options. Hers was doing the same thing. Strategic moves played in her head.
    But before a solid plan could form, Jac was there, close, his hands on her hips. “I’ll need to search you for weapons.”
    Kayla felt herself recoil and then anger formed. She started to turn, ready to fight to the death, ready to stop this now. But she wasn’t the only one who reacted violently.
    She heard Ethan curse even as he turned and reached for Jac, yanking him forward. “You sorry bastard,” Ethan spat at Jac. “I’ll kill you.”
    Kayla had to get to the girl. She started running toward Rigo but it was too late. The woman she’d intended to save fell to the ground, lifeless. Kayla didn’t stop. She charged forward, determined to make Rigo pay. But, suddenly, a sharp pain pinched her shoulder and dizziness rushed over her. She reached toward the pain to find a dart stuck in her skin. Kayla yanked it out and tossed it aside, knowing she was in big trouble.
    She turned to find Ethan, just in time to see not one, but three, darts hit him. “Ethan!” she screamed, seeing him stumble even as she started to run toward him. But her legs were like jelly and she started to fall, slipping into darkness.

    E than woke with a jerk, trying to sit up, only to find his hands tied above his head. He eyed his surroundings, taking in the dimly lit space and realizing he was inside a cargo van of some sort. Beside him, Kayla still slept, clearly under the influence of the drug they’d been given, her hands also tied. Thank God, she was okay and still with him.
    Sedation didn’t last long on a vampire with elder blood such as his own. But they’d filled him with plenty of drugs. The heaviness of his limbs left no doubt of that. The question was—why bother even trying to sedate him? Why not just kill him and be done with it?
    Whatever the reason, Ethan didn’t plan to find out. He yanked at the thick, corded ropes, testing their strength. Yanked again. Nothing. They were solid.
    “Ethan?” Kayla jerked upward, trying to escape, only to find she couldn’t budge. She eyed the restraints before fixing her gaze on him. “Where are we?”
    “Nowhere good,” Ethan said, rolling to his side to face her. “Are you okay?”
    She blew a strand of raven hair from her eyes. She nodded. “Considering the circumstances, fine.” Her head lifted as she surveyed the van. “There was a knife in my boot they might not have found.”
    “How exactly would you propose we get to it?”
    She frowned. “I don’t hear you making suggestions. We have to get free. We’re outnumbered and they’re stronger than us.”
    “They’re young and weak,” Ethan said. “Not even a close match for me. All except Rigo. He’s of elder warrior blood like myself.”
    She stared at him a minute as if he were insane. “Forgive me for saying so, but we both got our asses kicked.”
    Ethan gave her an irritated look. In some ways, he was a typical male vampire; namely, he didn’t like his ability to protect his woman questioned. He ground his teeth. Not that she was his woman. No matter how much his body screamed that

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