
Read Online Trouble by Sasha Whte - Free Book Online

Book: Trouble by Sasha Whte Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sasha Whte
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steadied the pin in her hand and warned Kelly to stop her eager bouncing. The cut of the skirt waist dipped down very low in front, and if the girl wasn’t careful she was going to end up with a new piercing in a very delicate place. Samair put the final pins in place and stepped back.
    “Okay, Kelly. Take it off very carefully, and I’ll finish it so you can take it home tonight.”
    “Tonight? It’ll be ready tonight?”
    When Samair had named the price for custom-made outfits she’d gone high, expecting the girls to barter. But they hadn’t blinked. They’d sent the money home with Joey the next night and Samair had been determined to get the outfits perfect and ready for the weekend so they could help spread the word about Trouble.
    She sat back and watched Joey and Tara dance as Kelly carefully removed her skirt. They would be her walking, talking, and dancing catalogue.
    Things were looking good for Trouble. She’d decided to do the custom orders for the dancers as they came in, and something new for Joey every now and then, but her love was really for lingerie and that was where she wanted to focus.
    Kelly handed her the skirt and Samair went to her sewing machine. As she was working on it, she realized she hadn’t made herself an outfit in a while. The skirt for Kelly was one she’d like for herself, if she were twenty pounds lighter.
    The thought made her pause. She hadn’t thought about her weight or her size in almost two weeks. Not since she’d left Kevin.
    It had to be because of the phone call from her mother that morning. Judy Jones never actually nagged her daughter. That would be tacky. Instead she found other, subtler ways to let Samair know that she was a disappointment.
    “Are you eating properly? What about work? Have you found a job yet? Why Joey Kent? I don’t know how that girl supports herself. She doesn’t even work.”
    Nothing anyone could say would ever convince her mother that dancing was work. Or that being single and having a few extra pounds wasn’t the end of the world but rather something Samair actually wanted .
    Val hadn’t appeared to mind. He’d seemed to really enjoy the plumpness of her curves. So much so that when she was with him, she forgot all about her own problems and imperfections.
    “Is it ready?”
    Kelly’s eager voice broke through Samair’s thoughts. She looked at the short Flamenco-inspired black and red skirt still in her hands. “Yes, go try it on.”
    She laughed as Kelly snatched it out of her hands and dashed into the bathroom. It took all of two minutes for Kelly to change, and the outfit inspired more cheers for Samair. Her chest swelled with pride and for the first time she truly believed that she could have success with her own design label if she worked at it and stayed true to her own vision of things.
    W hy aren’t you dressed?” Samair glanced up from the sketchbook on her lap. “Huh?”
    Whenever Samair sat down with her sketchbook, or in front of the sewing machine, the rest of the world faded into the background and images of sweet, sexy, and even kinky garments took over her brain. It was a good thing when a girl was trying to start a design label, particulary a specialty one like she dreamed of.
    After the others had left and while Joey napped, Samair searched the Internet and discovered there weren’t any custom lingerie designers in the city. And the ones she had found online were super expensive. She could charge a lot for what she wanted to do.
    Extremely motivated, she’d started to put down some of the images that had been floating around in her head and hadn’t even noticed that Joey was up, let alone showered and almost dressed for the club.
    “You’re not dressed yet. Hurry up, I need to be at the club by eleven.”
    Samair sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and looked at Joey. “I wasn’t planning on going tonight. I need to come up with some new designs. I’ve got some great ideas, but I

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